Ain’t I A Woman: Queer Women of Color Speak on Femme Identity

Queer Women of Color and Friends (QWOC+ Boston) has been invited to co-host Boston NOW’s October Feminism and Dessert discussion and we’d love for you to join us!

We’re inviting you to show up and jump into what promises to be a candid and informal conversation about FEMME IDENTITY and FEMINISM as experienced by WOMEN OF COLOR.

Opening up this conversation are three very different feminists and/or femmes:

– Spectra Speaks (Founder of QWOC+ Boston | Naija Afrofeminist |
– Idalia Poetry (Organizer for QWOC+ Boston | Nationalista y Poeta de las Mujeres |
– Rayshauna Gray (Organizer for Young Boston Feminists | New Wave Feminist)

*Our speakers are sacrificial lambs / primers for good conversation, and they are only experts on their own experiences and identities. Everyone will be invited/encouraged to share their own experiences as well.

We’ll aim to explore the following questions:

— Who is a femme? What does she look like? What does she sound like? Are there cultural differences with this idea?
— What attributes of femininity are traditionally perceived as weak or strong, feminist or unfeminist? Are they cultural differences with this idea?
— Individual experiences with (or without “feminism”) as women of color and allies

Leave a comment HERE — (especially if you will be unable to attend but would still like to participate!) about ANYTHING you have to say re: FEMME / FEMME IDENTITY.

A discussion is only as rich and encompassing of multi-perspectives as its participants and we’d like to get the conversation going.


When: October 7th
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Where: Cambridge City Hall Annex *
344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room
Cambridge, MA
Accessible from Central Square T stop (red line) and the 68, 83, 91, and 64 buses.

Feminist and Dessert is FREE and wheelchair accessible.

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