Urgent: Sign Petition by Monday Demanding the NYPD Take Rape Seriously & Rally on Tuesday!

Found guilty of official misconduct but acquitted rape, ex-cops Moreno & Mata made 3 unauthorized return trips to a woman’s apartment and even placed a fake 911 call to buy themselves more time inside the residence of the helpless person they had been called to protect. Moreno, while denying the rape allegation, actually testified he got into this semi-conscious woman’s bed while she was wearing nothing but a bra.

This outrageous conduct was a clear betrayal of the officers’ duty to protect this member of the public. Their misconduct leaves NYC women forced to wonder whether a police officer called in a moment of need will be a protector or a predator.

Let Sentencing Judge Know How You Feel: Sign a petition (which will be hand delivered to Justice Gregory Carro)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 9am – Wear White!
Foley Square – 4,5,6,N,R train to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall. J,Z to Chambers St.

For more info & to RSVP: Contact:  Connect the Dots, a coalition comprised of CONNECT, Crime Victims Treatment Center, Feministing, National Organization for Women (NOW-NYC), The Healing Center, New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault and Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN). We are a diverse NYC based coalition of advocates and organizations working to prevent violence and sexual assault in our city and promote women’s health and rights. Along with NYC Council members, activists and survivors, we are coming together to “connect the dots” between the sentencing of Officers Moreno and Mata, and the larger issue of Violence Against Women!

RSVP on Facebook now!

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, email NYC Connect the Dots!

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