Sign up! Gender Trouble: Radical creative inquiry and the ‘aesthetics of resistance’

Gender Trouble
M, Jan 23 – Apr 16
Hours: 06:30PM – 09:30PM
3.50 CEUs; $470.00
Location: 133/141 West 21 Street

Radical creative inquiry and the ‘aesthetics of resistance’ that occur when the gendered body speaks in the visual will be investigated in this course. Presentations of slide and video work by key contemporary and historical figures will help students situate their creative production in relationship to contemporary discourses around race, class, gender and sexuality in art. How do we make sense of feminist art of the past and present-its contradictions, slogans and symbols? What content is lost in translation during art’s shift from private practice to public locus? Students will complete weekly reading assignments by a range of critical theorists including Helene Cixous, Julia Kristeva, Elizabeth Grosz, Roland Barthes, bell hooks, Fred Moten, Susan Sontag and Slavoj Zizek, as well as bring in work in any media for weekly critique. Guests lectures and a special section in Hip Hop culture.

Katie A. Cercone
Visual artist, curator, writer

Education: BA, Lewis & Clark College; MFA, School of Visual Arts

Group exhibitions include: DODGEgallery; Vox Populi, Philadelphia; Apexart; White Box Gallery; Honfleur Gallery; Local Project; Figment Festival

Publications include: Bitch Magazine, N. Paradoxa, Women’s Art Journal, Utne Reader

Space is limited, sign up through the SVA Website:

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