Tue, March 6, 8am-8:30am: Join the largest unemployment line

Join the Largest Unemployment Line

WHAT: Come and show your support for your unemployed and underemployed sisters and brothers.  Get the attention of those running for President.  Become a part of the largest unemployment line – from Zuccotti Park to Times  Square.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 6, 2012, from 8 am to 8:30 am (total time half an  hour) — at the latest must be there 14 minutes after 8 am to wave pink  slip.

WHERE: Meet on Broadway between 11th and 12th Street. A person there will hand out pink slips to participants.

Please dress in business attire, if you can. Please come at 8 am on Tuesday morning so that we can form a dramatic but silent protest line by 8:15 AM. The press is interested in this event and may show up.

Economic inequality and uncertainty are women’s issues.  Single mothers,  teenage girls, recent college graduates, and women near retirement have high unemployment rates.

Only 25% of new jobs created since 2008 have gone to women.

National Organization for Women (NOW) NY State is proud to join with HERE Arts Center and Working Theater in collaboration with Occupy Congress, Upper West Side MoveOn, and culture groups in protesting the lack of action in solving the Nation’s unemployment and underemployment problem.

Please contact Info@nownys.org if you plan to participate in this important event.

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