Pass VAWA Now!

From Pat Reuss of the National Organization for Women:

678 days

Since VAWA Expired

182 days

Since Congress Acted on VAWA

31 days

Until VAWA dies this year

November 13, 2012

It’s unacceptable that VAWA resources have been jeopardized for almost 2 years!

The election is over and it’s time!

Congress has some unfinished business.

They MUST PASS the Violence Against Women Act NOW!

We must get Congress to finish the work of passing a VAWA that safely and effectively protects ALL victims.

Now that the election is over, Congress is back to work to finish up as much as they can before the end of the year.  VAWA must be on the list of work that gets done by the end of December!  Come January, the current bill expires and we will need to start again to draft a brand new bill, losing precious time and lives in the process.

Pre-election, everyone did a great job getting the word out and holding our elected officials to their obligation to address the concerns of all people.  Now we have to get them focused specifically on passing VAWA in the next six weeks!

Commit to ending domestic and sexual violence with this concrete action you can take to support VAWA:


Save Wednesday, November 14 for a VAWA day of ACTION

Every national leader will call Congressional leaders

Every state and local organizations will call Representatives and Senators

By the end of the day, every Member of Congress will hear a unified message: Work out the differences, pass VAWA before this Congress ends and you go home for the holidays.  Do not let VAWA die and miss this chance to help victims find shelter, help and justice.  There is precious little time left and victim’s lives and futures are in the balance.


Join #PassVAWA2012 Social Media Campaign

Be a part of a ground-breaking campaign to leverage the full power of social media in fighting for the Reauthorization of VAWA! Join the #PassVAWA2012 Facebook Photo Campaign to tell Congress that it’s time to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act!  It’s easy, just snap photos of you, your friends, your colleagues, & sympathetic strangers holding up signs saying why we need to Pass VAWA NOW!  Submit your photos via email to or tweetpic with #PassVAWA2012. For more details and sample campaign tweets check out the tool kit on!

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