Phenomenal Women MARCH 26 – APRIL 19 at Soho20 Chelsea Gallery

Lannie Hart

Phenomenal Women


Opening Reception: Thursday March 28th, 5-8pm Open House: Saturday March 30th, 4-7pm

SOHO20 CHELSEA GALLERY 547 West 27th St. Ste. 301
NY NY 10001

Above: Adam & Eve, oil and collage on canvas with brass and aluminum, 40×45 inches, 2013 SOHO20 Chelsea Gallery is pleased to present Phenomenal Women new paintings

and sculptures by artist Lannie Hart.

William Blake said that poetry and art are ʻways to converse with paradiseʼ. In Lannie Hartʼs exhibition she attempts to connect one paradise with the other. Hartʼs surreal painting “Emilyʼs Garden” relates to not only the series of garden poems by Emily Dickinson but to the soul of Dickinson as she vomits flowers. Her “Adam and Eve” painting evokes the image of Eve, the naive victim as depicted in the poem by Ralph Hodgson, and also Derek Walcottʻs poem which presents Eve as Adamʼs death. With Allen Ginsbergʼs epic poem “Kaddish”, Hart stretches for the depth of mourning in her sculpture,of the same name. She takes the humor of Billy Collinsʼs “Taking Emily Dickinsonʼs Clothes Off” and turns it into a painting about peeling off the layers of Dickinsonʼs insecurity. The painting “Womb” relates to a poem about a

womanʼs desire to tell the child she has aborted that she loves it. Her steel sculpture “Virgin of the Apocalypse”, influenced by a haiku by Scott Mason, gives us a Madonna with a glass heart and stigmata.

In all of Hartʼs latest work she continues to explore the image of women and how they are perceived by society as portrayed in myth and legend. The paintings are oil and collage on different surfaces with fabricated brass and aluminum frames. The sculptures consist of different fabricated metals, polymer clay and found objects.

Lannie Hartʼs career as an artist began in the fine crafts area as a soft sculptor, which culminated in a two-person show at Julie Artisanʼs Gallery and inclusion in the classic book “Art to Wear”. She has shown at the Museum for Contemporary Crafts in NYC and at numerous juried craft shows. Her more current work has been shown at the Katonah Museum and the Virginia Museum of Fine Art. She is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University with a BFA. Hart is also a graphic artist and ran her own graphic design studio in NYC for 15 years. She has traveled and worked in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Europe. This is her second solo exhibition at SOHO20 Chelsea Gallery.

For more information please contact the gallery at 212.367.8994 or

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