Visions in Feminism Conference on March 24th!


Each year, Visions in Feminism seeks to provide a forum for diverse perspectives within a feminist framework to keep the movement relevant, inspire action by its attendees, and destabilize patriarchy and other forms of oppression. The ‘2012 Visions in Feminism Conference on March 24th still has workshop slots open, and we have extended our submission deadline until 2/17/2012!

2012 Theme: Reclaiming Our Bodies:  Confronting Oppression & Celebrating Ourselves
No matter where you go, or the body you inhabit your body is supervised, policed, governed, judged, legislated, assumed upon and about. This year’s conference seeks to interrogate expectations, explore solutions and share successful strategies.

To submit a workshop please provide the following to
A synopsis and outline of the workshop
How would you describe this workshops direct relevance to this year’s theme;
What applicable skill will you be presenting and teaching;
What steps will you take to ensure inclusivity of all bodies no matter gender or sexual identity, ability, race, religion, etc;
a brief biographical paragraph on your workshop’s facilitator(s) and their relevant experience to the topics presented;
a draft of any hand-outs and presentation materials (audio/visual slides, etc).

Also include your: contact info, audio-visual needs and any other information you deem relevant

Thank you,
Laura Craig Mason
on behalf of the Visions in Feminism Collective

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