Archive for meredith

National NOW Conference 7/5-7/7: Seeking Workshop proposals & registration open

2013 National NOW Conference
Friday, July 5 – Sunday, July 7

Register for the Conference!
Visit the 2013 conference website to register, arrange your stay, and sign up for conference email updates.

YOU could be part of the conference program! Workshop proposals are due by April 5 (next week!), so please make it a priority to organize your panels and submit online proposals by that deadline.

More information will be available soon on the 2013 conference website.

Paradigm Shift NYC Presents: “It Was Rape” Screening & Discussion with Jennifer Baumgardner, Filmmaker & Activist


A Screening and Discussion with
JENNIFER BAUMGARDNER, Filmmaker & Activist
and a panel of women featured in the film

Thursday, April 25th
7:00-9:15 PM
The Feminist District
The Tank- 151 W. 46th St. (b/t 6th & 7th Ave) 8th Floor, NYC 10036
elevator access
Subway: N,R,Q to 49th St. or B,D,F,M to Rockefeller Center

Cost: $12 pre-paid, $15 at door
FACEBOOK INVITE, Twitter @PShiftNYC, #itwasrape
Paradigm Shift T-Shirts on sale at event

“If [It Was Rape] starts a conversation, it won’t be a quiet one, which is just what Ms. Baumgardner wants.”—Susan Dominus, New York Times

“It Was Rape” will change the way you think about this most
terrible—and most everyday—of crimes. It’s heartrending, brave, and
important.”—Katha Pollitt, “Subject to Debate” columnist, *The Nation*

Join as a supporting organization or co-sponsor!

Rape is wrong, illegal, reprehensible—and yet still tragically common. In this film, eight women tell their diverse personal stories of sexual assault, from a Midwestern teenager trying alcohol for the first time to a Native American woman gradually coming to terms with her abusive childhood. Gripping and emotional, this film is an opportunity to empathize with people—not just absorb faceless statistics—and to puncture the silence and denial that allow sexual assault to thrive. Ultimately, these stories shed light on how this epidemic affects us all.

It Was Rape began screening in December of 2012. This spring it will be part of film festivals, Take Back the Night events and anti-violence programming in Alabama, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Louisiana, Ohio, New York, and Arizona. To schedule a screening in your community or to purchase the film for institutional or advocacy use, please contact

Jennifer Baumgardner, Filmmaker & Activist
After five years as an editor at the feminist magazine, Ms., Fargo-native Jennifer Baumgardner began writing investigative pieces for Harper’s and The Nation, commentaries for NPR’s All Things Considered, and contributing to magazines such as Real Simple, Glamour, Redbook, Babble, Harper’s Bazaar, Teen Vogue, Marie Claire, and Elle.

Jennifer is the author of five books: Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics, Abortion and Life, F ‘em! Goo Goo, Gaga, and Some Thoughts on Balls, as well as the best-selling books about feminism written with Amy Richards—Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future (FSG, 2000) and Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism (FSG, 2005). In 2002, Jennifer and Amy founded Soapbox, Inc., a speakers’ bureau that also produces week-long Feminist Camps and Intensives, and seeks to connect people hungry for feminism with resources and with one another.

The Commonwealth Club of California honored her in their centennial year as a “Visionary for the 21st Century,” commenting that “in her role as author and activist, [Jennifer has] permanently changed the way people think about feminism…and will shape the next 100 years of politics and culture.” She created and produced the award-winning documentary “I Had an Abortion” in 2005. She directed and produced “It Was Rape,” and is thrilled that Paradigm Shift is supporting this event.

Paradigm Shift April 25th Event Launch Coming Soon!

Tomorrow: V-Day Events In NYC!

ONE BILLION RISING: February 14, 2013, New Yorkers Will Rise!

NYC Joins V-Day’s Global Day of Action to End Violence Against Women and Girls with Nearly 100 Events Across the City

Events in NYC include:

1) Times Square March to Hammerstein Ballroom- 2/14 at 5-7 PM

2) Free screening of “From Fear to Freedom: Ending Violence Against Women”

2/14 at 6:30 PM- Brooklyn Arts Exchange, 421 Fifth Ave, Brooklyn

Presented by Safe Homes Project and Center for Anti-Violence Education


3) Finale Event, RISE NYC at Hammerstein Ballroom

Featuring Special Guests Glenn Close, Rosario Dawson, and Donna Karan, with performances by Maya Azucena, BETTY,Suheir Hammad, Morley, DJ Beverly Bond, Hesta Prynn, DJ Spinna, and more

Doors open 7pm, Program 8pm- 12 midnight

311 West 34th St. NYC, rsvp at

On February 14, New York City — joining people in 194 countries – will come together to express their outrage, strike, dance and RISE to support an end to violence against women once and for all. ONE BILLION RISING will be the largest day of mass action ever to stop violence against women and girls. Close to one hundred ONE BILLION RISING events are being planned throughout New York City and the surrounding areas on February 14.

ONE BILLION RISING, first announced on Valentine’s Day 2012, began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. On February 14, 2013, V-Day’s 15th anniversary, activists, writers, thinkers, workers, students, poets, dancers, parliamentarians, mayors, state representatives, celebrities, and women and men across the world will come together to express their outrage, strike, dance, and RISE in defiance of the injustices women suffer, demanding an end at last to violence against women.

Today’s Paradigm Shift: A Promise That We Can Deliver

Site under construction- we’ll be back up soon!

Screening of Made in India: SEWA In Action, Hosted by Global Goods Partners & Co-Sponsored by Paradigm Shift, and Women Make Movies

Screening of Made in India: SEWA In Action, Hosted by Global Goods Partners & Co-Sponsored by Paradigm Shift, and Women Make Movies

Join us for a film screening and Mango Lassi ice cream sandwiches provided by Melt Bakery. The film Made in India: SEWA in Action depicts the power of grassroots women’s movements and explores how the organization helps women achieve financial security, and overcome injustices in the marketplace. Free and open to the public

Feminist Finance Seminar: Investing 101

“THE GUY’S GUIDE TO FEMINISM” What Does Feminism Have To Do With Men? A Conversation with Michael Kimmel, Author & Quentin Walcott, Co-Exec Dir Connect





“A relevant, inclusive, funny, and straight-to-the-point explanation of how and why feminism improves life for the male half the the world, too.”
– Gloria Steinem
Photography by Amy Mitten
Paradigm Shift T-Shirts On Sale!
Join as a supporting organization or co-sponsor!
Subject Line: 6/6/12 Partner
Paradigm Shift featured speaker “Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men” (2010) & “Feminist Men: Increasing Visibility” (2009).  Michael Kimmel is among the leading researchers and writers on men and masculinity in the world today. The author or editor of more than twenty volumes, his books include Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity (1987), Men Confront Pornography (1990), The Politics of Manhood (1996), The Gender of Desire (2005) and The History of Men (2005). His documentary history, “Against the Tide: Pro-Feminist Men in the United States, 1776-1990” (Beacon, 1992), chronicled men who supported women’s equality since the founding of the country.
His book, Manhood in America: A Cultural History (1996) was hailed as the definitive work on the subject. Reviewers called the book “wide-ranging, level headed, human and deeply interesting,” “superb… thorough, impressive and fascinating.” One reviewer wrote that “Kimmel’s humane, path breaking study points the way toward a redefinition of manhood that combines strength with nurturing, personal accountability, compassion and egalitarianism” while another called it “the most wide-ranging, clear-sighted, accessible book available on the mixed fortunes of masculinity in the United States.” (A 10th anniversary edition was published by Oxford University Press.)
His most recent book, Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men (2008) is a best-selling investigation of young people’s lives today, based on interviews with more than 400 young men, ages 16-26. Featured in major television and radio interviews, the books was widely reviewed and praised in all major media outlets. “If you’ve ever had a conversation with a teenage boy and wondered what on earth was going on…this book will serve you well.” And feminist icon Gloria Steinem said that “Michael Kimmel’s Guyland could save the humanity of many young men – and the sanity of their friends and parents.” Feature film rights were optioned to Dreamworks.
Kimmel is a Professor of Sociology at SUNY Stony Brook, and lives in Brooklyn, New York with his family.
Paradigm Shift’s featured speaker “From Violence to Empowerment: Combating Domestic Violence In Your Community” (webinar 2011).  Through his bold work, Quentin Walcott is pushing communities to redefine manhood and is building a society that embraces equality and rejects violence against women and girls as the status quo. An anti-violence activist and educator, he has spent the last 16 years addressing a critical part of the equation to stopping violence against women: men. Quentin has developed and launched some of New York City’s only programs aimed at transforming bystanders, male youth, and even batterers into allies and activists against all forms of violence. Quentin is the newly appointed CONNECT Co-Executive Director, along with Sally MacNichol, where they are working together as allies to prevent and end all forms of violence. At CONNECT he has created a wide range of programming on manhood and fatherhood that has been delivered across New York City, including inventive programs for teens. Quentin’s work, vision, and activism were honored by NOW – NYC as a recipient of their 2012 Susan B. Anthony Award.
Event Partners:
Blanche Cook, Author & Activist
Clare Cross, Playwright & Activist



Unite Women March and Rally in NYC and nationwide!

Unite Women New York (UWNY) is a new organization formed by volunteers from all over the state to oppose anti-women legislation and to celebrate the history of women in the United States.

On Saturday, April 28, 2012, women and men across the United States will converge in state capitols and cities to give voice to our opposition to the oppression of women’s access to health care and women’s rights. Politicians in Washington and in legislatures across the country have been trying, and in some cases succeeding, to legislate away the rights that women have fought for and won over 40 years ago. We will not let them turn back the calendar  to the middle of the last century.

Join us as we march united against the war on women  in New York City and  celebrate the history of women in the United States. The march and rally will also provide a platform to honor national and local organizations struggling to support women and to advocate for equal rights as well as  local and state government officials who stand with us in opposition to the current social agenda aimed at reducing women’s rights.

WHAT: Unite Against the War on Women March & Rally

WHEN: Saturday, April 28, 2012

REGISTER: 11:00 AM – Noon  at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Site, 23-29 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003 (between Greene Street and Washington Square East)

MARCH: 12:00 – 1:00 PM From the Shirtwaist Factory down Broadway to Foley Square/Thomas Paine Park

RALLY: 1:00 – 4:00 PM at Foley Square/Thomas Paine Park (between County Court House, Worth St, Pearl St, and Centre St)

WHO:  The event is free and open to the public

RSVP for our event here!

Unite Women is currently accepting volunteers and interns! If you are interested in becoming more involved in any capacity, please send your resume to

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