Archive for meredith

Beyond Hooking Up: Creating Sexual Empowerment – Interactive Webinar for Berkeley College

Paradigm Shift NYC proudly presents our third webinar commissioned by Berkeley College.  Available to BC students and staff only- login.

Amy Jo Goddard is a sexuality educator, writer, filmmaker, performing artist and activist. She travels to colleges, universities, communities and conferences teaching workshops and speaking about sexuality and maintains a private sex & relationship coaching practice. She currently facilitates her Women’s Sexuality Empowerment Apprenticeship in New York City to assist women in growing their sexual lives. She is co-author of Lesbian Sex Secrets for Men and is a contributing author of All About Sex: A Family Resource Guide on Sex and Sexuality. Her article about queer performance artists and activism was published in 2007 in the Social Justice Journal and she has been published in numerous other publications including LOFT and Bust Magazine. Amy Jo was host of’s web stream program “Fresh Advice,” developing, researching, writing and performing over 60 episodes on women’s sexuality. A professional trainer of sexuality professionals, medical students, college students and youth for fifteen years, she has taught courses relating to sexuality at the City University of New York and the University of California at Santa Barbara. Amy Jo specializes in women’s health issues and has taught breast and pelvic exams to medical/nursing students for 9 years; and she is director/producer of the forthcoming documentary, At Your Cervix, a film that depicts this work.

Amy Jo came to the field of sexuality via her activism about women’s health, women’s reproductive choices and other gender issues. Her work as a comprehensive sexuality education and LGBT issues advocate led her to provide trainings on sexuality issues to professionals, including how to address sexuality as service providers, and how to effectively serve LBGTQ youth.

Amy Jo earned a Master’s degree in Human Sexuality and Health Education from New York University and a Bachelor’s degree in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of California at Santa Barbara’s College of Creative Studies. Amy Jo’s work is informed by her international study of human sexuality, her knowledge and experience with ritual and shamanistic work, her connection and service to women’s communities, her own personal journey of sexual empowerment, and her deep work as a sexual being.

Berkeley College, established in 1931 as a business school, has grown since that time to a thriving multi-campus institution offering degree programs in a variety of disciplines. With seven locations in New York and New Jersey, Berkeley today offers programs that balance traditional academic study with professional training and hands-on experience.




Join the partnership coalition!  Subject line: 8/3/11 Partner

"NOT DEAD YET" Screening & Discussion Unites all Generations! Featuring SUSAN LOGEAIS, Filmmaker/Star & YANA WALTON, Media Activist & Women's Media Center

A Film Screening & Discussion to Unite the Generations:
A dramedy about life, hot flashes, and profound re-awakenings!
SUSAN HESS LOGEAIS, Writer/Producer/Star
YANA WALTON, Media Activist & former VP of Communications, Women’s Media Center
(Jennifer Pozner, WIMN, is unavoidably unavailable and sends her regrets)

NOT DEAD YET brings a dramatic new perspective to a range of women’s issues rarely embraced by American cinema.

Three women join forces to revive their acting careers, only to find themselves on a quest for something far more important.  Frustrated by the lack of roles for women over 40, they decide to create their own film, starring themselves.  As the project spins out of control, so do their lives.

Best Feature – Rhode Island International Film Festival
Best Narrative Feature – Baltimore Women’s Film Festival
View the trailer!
Wednesday, July 6th at 6:30 PM
Just outside the Feminist District
Roy Arias Studio – Stage IV, 300 W. 43rd. St. Ste. 402 (corner of 8th Ave), NYC
Subway: A,C,E to 42nd Street/Times Square

$15 pre-paid, $20 at door
** Buy Tickets/ Limited Seating- ONLINE SALES END 2:30 PM 7/6 **
PARTNERS WELCOME:  Join as a supporting organization.  Subject Line: 7/6/11 Partner
Prior to leaving the entertainment industry in 1990, Logeais had accomplished in 15 years what few people achieve in a lifetime. Beginning at the age of 17, the classically-trained ballerina spent a year performing with the Santa Francisco Ballet under Artistic Director Michael Smuin.
Then, in 1978, the teen began a seven-year stint during which she graced over a dozen magazine covers.  In 1984, Logeais scaled back her modeling to pursue her passion: acting. During the years that followed, she co-starred in four network television movies, a Sidney Sheldon mini-series for CBS, and episodes of “Miami Vice,” “Knightwatch,” “Spencer: For Hire,” and “Christine Cromwell.”
Finally, after years of being in front of audiences and the camera, Logeais decided to step behind the lens, and began learning the craft of screenplay writing. At the same time, she formed her own production company, Two Chicks with Cameras, and co-directed and produced a series of short films.
Then in 1992, her body rejected the breast implants she had gotten 8 ½ years earlier. Realizing how she had unwittingly inspired other women to follow her example, she convinced Allure magazine to chronicle her surgery and recovery. In addition, she appeared on a local LA television program to share her story.
Teaming up with local talent and crew, she produced her screenplay “Not Dead Yet”.  Her goal in producing the film was threefold; to see one of her screenplays produced; to star in a feature film; and to produce a story that would encourage women over 40 to embrace themselves and the wisdom their age represents.
“Not Dead Yet” was completed in early 2009 and has since screened at numerous film festivals, winning Best Feature at the Rhode Island International Film Festival and at the Baltimore Women’s Film Festival.  Subsequent projects include a short documentary entitled “Nerves of Steel, a year with The Portland Ballet,” which she recently completed; “Clay In Their Hands,” a documentary focusing on the importance of valuing women and children that is in production; and “The Emerald Tree,” an illustrated short story that is in development.
Yana Walton is the former vice president of communications for the Women’s Media Center, an organization working to make women visible and powerful in the media. A media activist with a background in U.S. women’s and LGBT American history, Yana was previously the Southern Media Field Strategist at GLAAD, where she was responsible for monitoring and responding to media, training activists and coordinating media campaigns in 12 Southern states. During the 2008 election, Yana provided media training for activists after the passage of Proposition 8 in California, worked on op-ed campaigns in Florida for the “No on 2” marriage ballot initiative and tenth observance of Matthew Shepard’s murder.
Yana was also the director of communications for the Utah Pride Center, where she trained newsrooms on fair, accurate and inclusive reporting on LGBT people and issues, was the spokesperson for the Utah Pride Festival, and worked on transgender-inclusive housing policies for state universities. She also ran the statewide outreach and volunteer program for Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, where she focused on providing testing outreach and comprehensive sex education, and created a peer-education teen council.
Yana was the research assistant for Dr. Elizabeth Clement’s upcoming history of gay family in 20th century America, We Are Family: Lesbians, Gays, and the American Family. Yana resides in Brooklyn, where she co-organizes the Brooklyn Skillshare in her spare time, an annual learning event offering free classes taught by residents, for residents.

You’re Not Alone: Strengthening LGBTQ Community & Allies – Interactive Webinar for Berkeley College

Paradigm Shift NYC proudly presents our second webinar commissioned by Berkeley College.

Available to BC students and staff only.

DANGEROUS TERRITORY: Clare Coss' One-Woman Play About MARY WHITE OVINGTON, Co-Founder NAACP & Discussion With Jamia Wilson, Women's Media Center



A one-woman play about Mary White Ovington, Co-Founder NAACP
dramatic reading by playwright Clare Coss
with a discussion moderated by
Jamia Wilson, Vice President of Programs at the Women’s Media Center
Ovington rebelled against the expectations of her family and became the first white woman in 20th century America to dedicate her life to racial justice.
“DANGEROUS TERRITORY puts history, hope and a wrongfully unknown early heroine of the civil rights movement on the stage. This is drama at its best-entertaining and educating.”
Julian Bond, Board Chairman, NAACP
Thursday, May 19th
7:00 PM
Just outside the Feminist District
The Tank- 354 West 45th Street (bet 8th and 9th Ave)
Subway: A,C,E to 42nd Street/Times Square
$12 students/ pre-paid, $15 at door
Buy Tickets/ Limited Seating

DANGEROUS TERRITORY dramatizes Ovington’s journey beyond the narrow confines of her comfortable New York home. We meet a cast of dynamic characters whose virtues and contradictions propel her along the way: from the careless white boys at the Greenpoint Settlement to the adversarial African-American leaders, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois.  Ovington and Dr. DuBois forged a vigorous and spirited friendship. Their alliance led to the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
CLARE COSS is a playwright, psychotherapist and activist convinced that we have it in our power to create a just and safe world.  “As a playwright my tools are character and dialogue, conflict and story.  Humor, possibility, and a quest for generosity sustain my vision.  My imagination leads to women characters who go where the silence is.  They are drawn to confront inaction and/or tyranny; face the challenge to speak and act.”
Clare presents dramatic readings of her one-woman plays, Lillian Wald: At Home on Henry Street and Dangerous Territory. They each feature dynamic women who resist indifference to the cruel realities of poverty, racism, war.   Their daring decisions to act for a decent world inspire, inform, and entertain.
In Coss’ Emmett, Down in My Heart, two women characters, a white teacher, Roanne Taylor, and Emmett Till’s mother, Mamie Till-Mobley are hurled together by the 1955 kidnap, torture, murder of 14-year old Emmett in the Mississippi Delta.  Coss’ publications include Lillian D.Wald: Progressive Activist (Feminist Press) which features the play and a selection of Wald’s correspondence and speeches. Her anthology of lesbian love poems, The Arc of Love (Scribner), was a Lambda Literary Award Finalist.
Jamia Wilson is a feminist activist, organizer, expat-brat, networker, cartwheeler, truthseeker, and storyteller. She is currently Vice President of Programs at the Women’s Media Center where she works on amplifying women’s voices and changing the conversation in the media.  She trains women and girls so they are media-ready and media-savvy, exposes sexism in the media, and directs the WMC’s social media strategy. Twitter: @jamiaw
Use the “F” word.
Change NYC. Change the World.

WAM! NYC: Women, Action & the Media Conference

WAM lt Yourself Conference for
Feminist Media Makers

Saturday, March 26, 9AM – 5PM
Hive 55 (55 Broad St) in lower Manhattan

With this year’s awesome line-up of panels and speakers, better get your seat now! Last year’s day-long conference sold out — we had to turn people away.

Registration is only $15 — Register here:

(If you would like to apply for a need-based scholarship, contact Rachel)

Featured panels this year include:

  • Feminist perspectives in progressive publications
  • Social media for activism
  • “Beats outside the box”—economy, immigration, labor, education
  • Feminist blogging
  • Pitching and getting published

Confirmed speakers: Amanda Marcotte (Pandagon/RH Reality Check), Irin Carmon (Jezebel), Jessica Bennett (Newsweek), Sarah Seltzer(Alternet), Emily May (Hollaback), Andrea Plaid (Racialicious), Janna Zinzi(Swirl PR), Julianne Escobedo Shepherd (Alternet), Kathryn Joyce(Religion Dispatches), Dana GoldsteinBryce Covert (New Deal 2.0),Michelle Chen (ColorLines),  Lauren Kelley (Alternet), Megan Carpentier(Raw Story), Jennifer LaFleur (ProPublica), Sarah Laskow (The Media Consortium), Jenn Pozner (Women in Media & News), Lori Adelman(Feministing), Jen Nedeau (Time Magazine) and more great speakers coming!

Follow this event live via Twitter at #wamnyc!

Brunch It Yourself!
Sunday, March 27 @ 12PM

Pacific Standard, 82 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, NY

After the conference, join us for brunch at Pacific Standard! The bar will serve us mimosas and Bloody Marys, but no food. So please bring a dish to share — anything! Salad, quiche, casserole, sandwiches, pasta, fruit, brownies…we’ll take it! Pacific Standard is right by the Atlantic-Pacific stop – take the N, R, Q, B, D, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

WAM! NYC kick-off HAPPY HOUR with Paradigm Shift NYC

Come out for the WAM!NYC weekend kick-off HAPPY HOUR this Friday with Paradigm Shift NYC!. We’re gathering at 6:30 p.m. at the sleek, chic Ella Lounge at 9 Ave. A in the East Village! Meet new friends, mingle, and get psyched for the WAM-lt-Yourself conference this Saturday!


Feel free to bring interested friends and colleagues!! We always have a great time.

See you there!!!

Emily and Jean (and Paradigm Shift NYC)



a lecture and discussion featuring
Moderated by Cathy Marino-Thomas, Board President, Marriage Equality NY

Wednesday, April 20th
7:00 pm
Just outside the Feminist District
The Tank– 354 West 45th Street (between 8th and 9th Avenues).
Subway: A,C,E to 42nd Street/Times Square.

BUY NOW & Save $
Cost: $12 students/ pre-paid, $15 at door



Shortlist, Canada Governor-General Award for Nonfiction 2011
What does the “tradition of marriage” really look like? Elizabeth Abbott paints an often surprising picture of this most public, yet most intimate, institution. Ritual of romance, or social obligation? Eternal bliss, or cult of domesticity? Abbott reveals a complex tradition that includes same-sex unions, arranged marriages, dowries, self-marriages, and child brides. Marriage- in all its loving, unloving, decadent, and impoverished manifestations- is revealed here through Abbott’s infectious curiosity.

“Abbott is an excellent storyteller with an eye for touching and amusing tales. An enjoyable read, sure to provoke and surprise.”
—Globe and Mail

Elizabeth Abbott is a writer and historian with a special interest in women’s issues, social justice for all and sugarcane-cutters in particular, the treatment and lives of animals, and the environment. She has a doctorate from McGill University in 19th century history. Before moving to Toronto, she lived in Montreal and Port-au-Prince. She is the author of several books, her most recent, A History of Marriage, completes her trilogy about human relationships that includes A History of Celibacy and A History of Mistresses. Her previous book, Sugar: A Bittersweet History, inspired by her Antiguan heritage, was short-listed for the Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction.

Elizabeth is a Senior Research Associate at Trinity College, University of Toronto and, from 1991 to 2004, was Dean of Women. She served for several years on the Editorial Board of the Canadian Human Rights Foundation and the Rights and Freedoms Committee of The Writers’ Union of Canada. The Riverdale Historical Society, which she co-founded in 1999, won the 2007 Heritage Toronto Community Heritage Award and the Members’ Choice Award.

Cathy speaks all over New York State about the 1,300+ rights, privileges and obligations that protect families only through the right to civil marriage. Prior to working with Marriage Equality New York, Cathy spent many years as a Buddy in the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) Buddy Program visiting countless people afflicted with HIV/AIDS and assisting them with daily chores, advocacy and information. An out lesbian since 1978, Cathy lives with her wife, Sheila and daughter Jacqueline.

Brooklyn Community Pride Center
Jennifer Pozner, Author & Activist
Manhattan Young Democrats
NARAL Pro-Choice New York
National Organization for Women New York State
National Organization for Women New York City
Photography by Amy Mitten
Sebastian Huynh Photography
Seven Stories Press
Soapbox Inc.
The Women’s Mosaic
The Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership
Trixie Films
Women’s eNews

Join as a supporting organization
Subject Line: 4/20 Partner


Use the “F” word.
Change NYC. Change the World.

Paradigm Shift, the critically acclaimed and largest feminist event series/community group in the New York City metropolitan area, hosts monthly lectures and discussion groups to spotlight leaders in feminist thought, ranging from artists and academics to filmmakers and policy activists. TimeOut New York rated Paradigm Shift’s events “Critics’ Pick” nine times, an unprecedented honor among progressive organizations. We’ll tell you our stories…we want to hear yours. All welcome.

100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day & Feminist Coming Out Day!

Participate in International Women’s Day online

  • Follow the Twitter feed featuring latest news, events, resources, comments and much more
  • Watch and enjoy the YouTube International Women’s Day videos & broadcasts from around the world
  • Interact, learn and share on the International Women’s Day LinkedIn discussion group
  • Network & interact through the International Women’s Day Facebook channel
  • Share your International Women’s Day photographs on Flickr
  • Grab and use the International Women’s Day RSS feed

Reflections on International Women’s Day, from Anika Rahman, the new president of the Ms. Foundation.

It’s also Feminist Coming Out Day, a new national campaign. Declare your feminist pride at

From Violence to Empowerment: Combatting Domestic Violence In Your Community- FREE Interactive Webinar

  • Webinar is open to the public and Berkeley College students
  • General Public: Preregistration is available until 4 PM EST- submit your name and email:
  • Limit 50 – please note that preregistration is encouraged, but does not hold your spot, webinar is first come first serve.
  • Instructions:  Visit Berkeley College WebEx Meeting:
  • Members of the public may login as a guest by clicking “Enter as a Guest” under “Not a member?”
  • You will be prompted with phone dial in information

About Quentin Walcott:

At CONNECT, Quentin is the Director of the CONNECT Training Institute (CTI) and Community Empowerment programs. Quentin also spearheads the Male Anti-Violence initiatives, where he creatively develops programming training, educational programs centered on males to cultivate participation and leadership by men in the anti-violence movement.  Quentin developed a curriculum and training for young adult males that examined violence against women and girls at V-Day’s New York Stop the Violence Festival as part of the newly created V-Day Men’s Committee. Quentin and his team of anti-violence educators have launched city-wide workshops for men and boys looking to transform them from bystanders to allies to activists against family and gender violence.

Quentin was trained, supervised and mentored by Dr. John Aponte, and started  facilitating Batterer’s Intervention groups throughout New York City over 14 years ago.  Quentin is currently the Co-Chair of the Committee on Working with Abusive Partners Batterers.

Quentin has previously worked with the Educational Alliance Early Head Start, piloting their Father Involvement Program and Southern Queens Park Association’s Families In Need Preventive Services Program as a teen group facilitator and Domestic Violence Specialist.  Quentin has a wealth of experience facilitating groups for young and adult males on masculinity, manhood development, fathering, batterer’s intervention and accountability. Quentin combines his experience working with social agencies and several years of human rights work bringing a new and fresh perspective to the work to end family violence.

CONNECT is dedicated to preventing interpersonal violence and promoting gender justice. By building partnerships with individuals and communities, we strive to help change the beliefs, behaviors and institutions that perpetuate violence. Through legal empowerment, grassroots mobilization and transformative education, we seek to create safe families and peaceful communities.

Berkeley College, established in 1931 as a business school, has grown since that time to a thriving multi-campus institution offering degree programs in a variety of disciplines. With seven locations in New York and New Jersey, Berkeley today offers programs that balance traditional academic study with professional training and hands-on experience.

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