Archive for MichelleGonzalez

Music and More, this Sunday at 2!

From Laura Joy, our fabulous membership coordinator here at Paradigm Shift NYC:

Hi there! Been awhile, hasn’t it?

So I was sitting here thinking. Thinking about… well, about life and how crazy it is. It dawned on me last night that I’ve been in the great state of New York for over five years. But on April 18th, I’ll be moving to Chicago. I’m excited about the opportunity, but also sad to be leaving so many friends behind. You wouldn’t happen to know any awesome places I should check out in Chicago, would you? Maybe some cool people I should meet? I’m so open to suggestions here.

In other fabulous news, I spent this January recording a new album produced by Suzi Reynolds at Bennett Studios in NJ with Rob Coover and Kelly Zullo. The result, a 10 song collection titled, What I Know, truly feels right and good. You can preview two tracks from it on my reverbnation page. What I Know will be available for sale online on April 30th.

Unfortunately, with my upcoming move, I haven’t had a chance to book too many gigs…YET. However, I will play a short set at Theatre 80 St Marks in NYC on Sunday, April 10th at 2:30pm (80 St Marks between 1st and 2nd Aves). Rob and Kelly will be joining me, and of course, I’ll bring a few copies of the new CD with me, just in case you want one. 😉

A little more about this performance: All proceeds will go to AmeriCares. The suggested donation is $30 (more is fantastic, less is accepted with love). Please understand, whatever you can give is greatly appreciated! I will be joining a fascinating group of acts and the schedule is as follows:

2pm – Michael Chaut of Monday Night Magic
2:30 – Laura Joy
3pm – Theatre Han
3:30 – Taylor Barton
4pm – Thee Shambels and Dana
4:30 – Miss Saturn (Hula!!)
5pm – Libby Johnson
5:30 – Sam Eaton’s The Quantum Eye

In the lobby and out front we will also have interactive art where people can paint messages to Japan, as well as close up magic. That’s right. Magic. UP CLOSE.

As always, you can find me on Facebook (like me, like me!!!). And twitter. And my website (which incidentally, I started to redesign today, so don’t go there now because it’s kind of… broken).

Don’t miss her performance this Sunday at 2:30 – You will have a great time and be supporting an amazing organization!

Upcoming Book Discussion on Sexual Harassment and Violence

On April 13th at 7PM, Joanne N. Smith, Mandy Van Deven, and Meghan Huppuch will be at Bluestockings (172 Allen Street, Manhattan) speaking about their new book, Hey,  Shorty!: A Guide to Combating Sexual Harassment and Violence in Schools and on the Streets. The book narrates the work of teen women of color at Girls for Gender Equity who have been organizing in their communities to end gender-based violence against girls, women, and LGBTQ folks in NYC. The authors will talk about how street harassment and sexual harassment in schools is connected, and what strategies youth and adult allies can use to fight back.

For more information email

U.S. Women’s Health Rally: April 7th at the U.S. Capitol!




Washington, D.C. – On Thursday, April 7, Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and more than 20 other leading organizations will hold a Stand Up for Women’s Health rally at the U.S. Capitol in a united show of opposition to extreme proposals in Congress that take preventive health care and family planning away from women and undermine women’s access to the full range of reproductive-health care, including abortion.

Thousands of Americans from across the country will travel to Washington D.C. to send a strong message to Congress that the proposals undermining women’s health and reproductive rights are unacceptable and must be stopped.

Members of Congress and other high-profile women’s health advocates will speak at a rally at 11:30 a.m. near the U.S. Capitol.

The anti-choice House leadership took control of Congress on a promise to create jobs, but instead has focused its legislative efforts on undermining women’s health and taking away health care that women currently have. If enacted, these extreme proposals would result in millions of women losing access to life-saving preventive care, including cancer screenings and HIV tests, as well as family planning, birth control and private insurance coverage of abortion care.


DATE: THURSDAY, April 7, 2011

TIME: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Camera preset details to be announced later

LOCATION: In front of the U.S. Capitol Building Reflecting Pool (between 3rd and 4th St., SW)


In addition to Planned Parenthood Federation of America and NARAL Pro-Choice America, the following organizations are participating in this grassroots lobby day: The American Civil Liberties Union, Advocates for Youth, American Association of University Women, Arizona Progress ACTION, Black Women’s Health Imperative, Catholics for Choice, Center for Reproductive Rights, Central Conference of American Rabbis, Choice USA, Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc., DC Vote, EMILY’s List, Feminist Majority, Guttmacher Institute, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, National Council of Jewish Women, National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, National Network of Abortion Funds, National Organization for Women, National Partnership for Women & Families, National Women’s Law Center, National Women’s Political Caucus, Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Religious Institute, Sister Song: Women of Color Collective, Sisters Together And Reaching, Inc. (STAR), Union for Reform Judaism, Women of Reform Judaism, and YWCA.

Background on Policies that Attack Women’s Health

In this Congress, the anti-choice House leadership has already introduced various pieces of legislation that attack women’s health, including: a proposal to bar Planned Parenthood from providing health services through federal health programs like Medicaid, the elimination of the national family-planning program (Title X), and the Smith bill, which would use tax hikes on individuals and small businesses to end private health insurance coverage of abortion care.

Each year, the national family planning program (Title X) provides five million individuals with family planning, birth control, and lifesaving preventive care that includes cancer screenings. Planned Parenthood health centers, which are the foundation of the national family planning program, provide millions of additional women with the very same kind of care, as well as HIV testing, STI testing and treatment, annual exams, and other important services that women need, deserve, and have been receiving for decades.

In addition, H.R.3 (the Smith bill), is a far-reaching piece of legislation that will raise taxes on America’s families and small businesses in an effort to end the private insurance coverage of abortion. Recent expert testimony before Congress highlighted that vague provisions in H.R.3 also have the potential to increase taxes on large businesses that provide health insurance coverage for abortion services. During that same hearing, a nonpartisan tax expert told the committee that bill could subject rape survivors who choose abortion care to audits by the Internal Revenue Service to ensure that their request was tied to an actual rape.

Another bill, H.R.358, includes restrictions on private insurance coverage of abortion and a provision that allows hospitals to refuse to provide abortion care to women who will die without it.

Simply put, the new House majority is launching an all-out legislative assault on women’s health and reproductive rights, and Americans from across the country are demanding that Congress reject these extreme efforts and focus on jobs and the economy.

Contact: Ted Miller, 202.973.3032

“Fatal Promises of Human Trafficking” – Tuesday at 6:30!

Date: Tuesday, April 5th

Time: 6:30pm

Location: Main Auditorium of the CUNY Law School at 65-21 Main Street Flushing, NY 11367

“Fatal Promises”, is a documentary which tells the personal stories of victims who were trafficked to the United States from other countries. After the film screening there will be a short Q&A from the director, followed by an in depth panel discussion with expert on Human Trafficking Christa Stewart, Coordinator of NYS Human Trafficking Programing and Women’s Issues Committee Chair, Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras.

Click here to watch a trailor of the film.

You can also RSVP for this event on Facebook!

CLPP Conference on Reproductive Rights and Social Justice: April 8th to 10th at Hampshire College!

March 21, 2011

Contact: Lani Blechman
Civil Liberties and Public Policy, Hampshire College
413-559-6834, lblechman AT

Reproductive Rights Conference Celebrates 30th Anniversary

With activists around the country focused on recent attacks on reproductive health, more than 1,000 community activists, students and national and international leaders will gather next month to build new strategies for reproductive rights and social change.

From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, to be held April 8-10th, is sponsored by the Civil Liberties and Public Policy ( and Population and Development ( programs. The conference is held at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts.

The 30th anniversary conference reflects the significant growth of CLPP and PopDev over the past three decades. The conference will be nearly 30 times bigger than the first, with more than 60 sponsors and a diverse, inclusive range of speakers and activists from different generations, the U.S. and abroad. “There’s so much energy and vibration on the campus,” says Leticia Contreras, who is a 2011 student conference coordinator. “With activists, artists and social justice participants of all forms of the spectrum—people who really want to change the world in so many different ways. You feel this energy instantaneously.”

In the face of an emboldened right-wing assault on abortion and reproductive rights, the conference focuses on broadening the fight for reproductive rights and the health of our families by drawing connections between many social justice issues. “Although the Right has been encouraged by legislative gains, we have always been bold,” said CLPP Director, Mia Kim Sullivan. “And our movement is now so deep and strong, we have a new capacity to meet these political and cultural battles, on our own terms.”

Over 180 speakers and 70 conference workshops will highlight successful examples of activism and how struggles for reproductive and sexual rights are intricately linked to movements for economic, social and environmental justice and peace. Topics of workshops and strategic action sessions include abortion access in the U.S. and internationally, alternatives to the prison industrial complex, climate justice, the recent democratic uprisings in the Middle East, resilient community food systems, disability justice, and organizing in state, campus and spiritual communities.

“We have over a thousand activists from all over the country here, and also international activists,” said PopDev Director Betsy Hartmann. “It’s a space for creative political thinking, for thinking about the future of our movements, for crossing movements, for bridging differences and exploring those differences in a safe space. It’s also a place where people can speak out about their experiences with abortion and feel safe about it.”

The three-day conference kicks off Friday afternoon, April 8th, at Franklin Patterson Hall, Hampshire College. For a full list of conference speakers and workshops, please visit Friday workshops will run from 4 to 6 p.m., and will be followed by Breaking Silences: An Abortion Speak-Out. Workshops continue on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. and on Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon.

To mark the 30th anniversary and launch our fourth decade of activism, the conference includes a celebration of collective leadership and strength, honoring CLPP and PopDev founders and supporters, on Saturday, April 9th, at 7 p.m.

The conference closes on Sunday, with a plenary session around the theme of revolution, re-building community, re-imagining national priorities, and “waging peace” in cross-movement organizing. Speakers include local, national and international activists, among them Anders Wyatt Zanichowsky, a Hampshire alum who has been organizing with Genderqueer Madison and on the frontlines of labor rights in Wisconsin; Loretta Ross, the national coordinator of SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective; and Sylvia “Guy” Claudio Estrada, co-founder of Likhaan, which advocates for women’s health issues in the Philippines.

The activism that CLPP and PopDev has fostered over the last 30 years—and will continue to inspire into the future—reverberates in different movements in the U.S. and all over the globe. On April 8-10th, celebrate this collective work, find new ways for collaboration, and be part of building the movement for reproductive freedom.

Student conference co-coordinators are available for interviews: contact Leticia Contreras or Emily Ryan at 413-559-6834 or Conference speakers are also available for interviews upon request. International speakers include reproductive and sexual rights advocates working in the Czech Republic, India, Kenya, the Netherlands and the Philippines.

ROE ON THE ROCKS: Benefit for Planned Parenthood NYC


PRESS CONTACT: Erica Sackin – (212) 274-7294

Sara Benincasa, Thao with the Get Down Stay Down, Ana Egge, The Bloodsugars, And Pearl and the Beard PLAY FOURTH ANNUAL ROE ON THE ROCKS BENEFIT FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF NEW YORK CITY

Concert Celebrates 38th Anniversary of Roe v Wade

New York, NY – This April 4th, 2011, At a time when our right to basic health care is under attack, Thao with The Get Down Stay Down, Ana Egge, The Bloodsugars, and Pearl and the Beard will play the fourth annual Roe on the Rocks benefit concert at Bowery Ballroom. Comic Sara Benincasa, of Wonkette, Comedy Central and CNN), will be the evening’s emcee. All proceeds from the event will go to Planned Parenthood of New York City.

The Roe on the Rocks concert is held every year to recognize the anniversary of Roe v Wade, the historic Supreme Court Case which 38 years ago confirmed women’s right to privacy and thus access to abortion services. The show couldn’t come at a more important time – following three months of the worst attack on not just reproductive rights but the right to basic health care, that our country has ever seen. Past acts have included Regina Spektor, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and (others).

What: 4th Annual Roe on the Rocks Benefit Concert for Planned Parenthood of New York City

Who: Sara Benincasa
Thao with The Get Down Stay Down
Ana Egge
The Bloodsugars
Pearl and the Beard
Other Special Guests to come
Planned Parenthood of New York City

Where: Bowery Ballroom: NYC 6 Delancey St, between Bowery and Chrystie, New York, NY

When: April 4th, 2011
Doors open at 7:00pm
Tickets: General Admission: $25 – VIP: $75

Tickets go on sale Thursday, March 3rd 2011
For event information, please contact Stephanie Demmons

For press information, please contact Erica Sackin

Since 1916, Planned Parenthood of New York City (PPNYC) has been an advocate for and provider of reproductive health services and education for New Yorkers. Serving more than 50,000 clients annually, PPNYC’s health care centers in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island offer reproductive health services, including gynecological care, contraception, pregnancy testing, abortion, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and HIV testing and counseling. Through a threefold mission of clinical services, education, and advocacy, PPNYC is bringing better health and more fulfilling lives to each new generation of New Yorkers. As a voice for reproductive freedom, PPNYC supports legislation and policies to ensure that all New Yorkers—and, in fact, people around the world—will have access to the full range of reproductive health care services and information.

VISIONING WORKSHOP: Using Your Creativity and Intuition to Gain Clarity, Find Focus and Manifest Your Dreams!

Saturday,  April 2, 2011  11am-5pm

44 East 32nd Street, 11th Floor (Btw. Park & Madison)

Feeling a little confused with all that’s going on with your career and the economy? Not sure what to do next with your life? Maybe your just a bit unsatisfied overall but can’t exactly pinpoint what it is…. Our Visioning Workshop can help you sort it all out! Come to our popular and powerful semi-annual workshop for a creative, transformative afternoon where you will make a collage to manifest your heart’s desire – and you may be surprised as to what that turns out to be. It’s not unusual for participants to start new businesses, relationships, families or career paths as quickly as weeks or months after the workshop. If you are looking for both answers and results to help figure out where you are right now in your life and where you want to go next, this could be thing exact thing you need to push you forward and take you there… RSVP to hold your spot – these sell out fast!

COST: $85 for TWM Members in advance; $95 at the door;  $130 for Non-Members (TWM Members can bring a friend at the member rate)

Click here for more info and RSVP:

Sign these petitions!

  • Last year, 250 LGBT individuals were murdered in Brazil. Just a few weeks ago, a transperson was shot to death by three men. Now, the only openly gay member of the Brazilian Parliament is receiving death threats. Sign this petition which asks President Dilma Rousseff to “publicly support the proposed Anti-Homophobia and Hate Crimes Law.
  • Last year, a lesbian couple in Tennessee came home from their vacation to find that their house had been burnt down. The police department has yet to make any arrests, even though they have been made aware that the couple’s homophobic neighbor had been making threats to them prior to their house burning down. The couple’s insurance company has also failed to pay on the claim, asserting that there is not enough evidence to indicate that this fire was arson. Meanwhile, the “home had no gas service” and there was no one in the home at the time of the fire. Sign this petition which demands that the insurance company pay these women.
  • Dillard’s, a popular department store, is planning on sponsoring a fundraiser for Heroic Media in April. Meanwhile, Heroic Media is “the company behind a series of racist anti-abortion billboards popping up across the country.” These billboards have been appearing all over the country thanks to numerous anti-choice organizations. “One [example] of Heroic Media’s billboards features an image of a Black child next to the words, ‘The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.'” Sign this petition to ask Dillard’s to reconsider their decision to support a sexist, racist company that works to take away women’s reproductive rights.
  • In an article in The New York Times published on March 8th, James C. McKinley Jr. tells the story of an eleven-year old girl that was gang-raped by eighteen boys and men. Not only did Mckinley Jr. sympathize with the perpetrators, arguing that they will have to live with the consequences of their actions for the rest of their lives, but he engages in victim-blaming by discussing her “inappropriate” fashion choices, makeup, and behavior. This article is just one example of how our society encourages victim-blaming and trivializes violence against women. Sign this petition to “tell The New York Times to apologize for blaming a child for her gang rape.”
  • Hundreds and thousands of individuals have been affected by the catastrophic earthquake that struck Japan earlier this month. It is crucial that all donations be processed immediately so that people can be assisted as quickly as possible. “During the response to Haiti, cellphone companies processed mobile donations to relief organizations right away. But for Japan, they aren’t making this same exception and it could take as much as 90 days for donations to reach people in need.” Sign this petition to ask cell phone companies to stop this delay!

“The Wolf who Cried” by Cristina Dominguez

black tear streaked cheeks
matted, mangled legacy
lilies on her grave

ink scratched surface
smudging untarnished white page
awaken white rage

Brush her with dry bristles
Splinter dark revelation
Innocent white out

new moon, cold light-bulbs
your halo around my neck
hoarse, breathless howl

Foaming and Feral
Thirsting for clear consciousness
Turn water into whine

folding the blood-stained wings
gilded greater good

white lies handcuff truth
under rubble, dirt and root
the she-wolf still lives

“Ain’t I A Woman: Race in the Feminist Movement” – Mixer, Panel, and Party!

Join amazing feminist activists and scholars on April 11th, 2011 from 6:00 PM -to 12:00 AM for “Ain’t I A Woman: Race in the Feminist Movement.”  There will be great events happening all night: Mixer 6PM ** Panel 7-9PM ** Party 9-12AM

Long after Sojourner Truth pondered the question – “Ain’t I A Woman?” we continue to face a white supremacist culture that undermines women of color, young women, undocumented immigrants, and the LGBTQ community. We’re convening this panel to ignite a discourse about the experiences of women of color in the feminist movement and beyond. On this night, six outstanding feminists and activists will go head-to-head to discuss race in the feminist movement today.

Round One: Latoya Peterson, Founder of Racialicious and Elizabeth Mendez Berry, Journalist

Round Two: Lori Adelman, Program Associate at International Women’s Health Coalition and Aimee Thorne-Thomsen, Reproductive Rights Activist

Round Three: Jessie Daniels, PhD, Author and Sociology Professor at Hunter College and Anna Holmes, Jezebel Founding Editor

We know that the movements to eradicate racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia and sexism are inextricably connected. We reject the silencing and subjugation of women of color and aim to create a safe and courageous space to raise our voices, confront tensions, celebrate our triumphs, create collective solutions and share our stories. Through this sharing, we can create a united front so that, instead of surviving through silence, there can be a dialogue on how to battle institutionalized oppression.  Speaking our truth is crucial to our survival. By gathering together and learning from our shared and individual tales of love and struggle, we will each emerge with new perspectives that will enable us to engender the change we envision for the world.  In the words of bell hooks, ‘There can be no feminist revolution without an end to racism, classism, ageism…”

DJ Lobotomy Copter will be playing great music all night!  Check her Facebook out here!  The event organizers would also love it if people would live tweet during the event!  If you plan on doing so, use the hashtag #AIAW

Although there is a suggested donation of ten dollars, no will will be turned away for inability to pay.  For more information, contact Morgane with the subject line: “Ain’t I A Woman”

RSVP on Facebook today!

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