Archive for MorganBoecher

Paradigm Shift Event Coverage- Sex Work and Human Rights: Feminist Advocacy Strategies- What would an ideal world for sex workers look like?

By Allyn Gaestel, Paradigm Shift Staff Writer

Sex work advocates from around New York gathered at The Tank March 30 for a wide-ranging conversation on human rights, feminism and sex work in New York and internationally. The audience started out quiet. Christina Cicchelli, a porn actress and panelist asked the room “How many of you watch porn?” The whole panel raised their hands, but few audience members did. Cicchelli responded, “In your mind I’m sure you’re saying ‘yes!’ But you can’t raise your hand right now.”

The panelists each introduced themselves and spoke of their individual work as sex work advocates. Experts ranged from lawyers to youth advocates and media liaisons. Later, as the question and answer period warmed up, audience members asked provocative questions that took the panel in new directions. One question was about what all these activists and advocates were working for, what were their long term goals, and what would the sex work industry look like if they could have it how they want.

The responses demonstrated the specific emphases the panelists have in their work, but the overriding theme—one that fits so perfectly with the question of the links between feminism, human rights and sex work—was that a utopian world for sex work would be linked to a utopian world for everyone, with justice across the employment sector, equality in terms of race, gender, sexual orientation and respect for youth. The responses were inspiring and quotes are located below.

This is a central issue for those interested in any movement building, it’s not a question of empowering one group or making specific changes for a certain population. Rather, everything is linked, and all of society must be engaged in movements to push through positive change. For exploited sex workers to be empowered, they must have options in and outside of the sex industry, and for sex workers by choice to do their job in peace, society must break down the barriers of stigma and criminalization.

Audacia Ray works for the International Women’s Health Coalition, is a respected author and co-founder of Sex Work Awareness.

“For me that question is larger than just what the sex industry would look like, it’s a question of what employment would look like. I would like to, in my wildest dreams, see a world where people can be compensated for all different kinds of work in a way that gives them actual real choice about how they want to spend their working days…I would like to see a world where women and trans people are able to get good employment and good wages in parts of the world and work that is not the sex industry and be really truly be able to choose between sex industry work and other work”

Christina Cicchelli writes for $pread magazine in addition to her work in porn and other industries.

“As a current sex worker let me tell you what my world is going to look like….Small things could ultimately change the way that we talk about sex work. In the beginning I told you, really I can only talk about pornography. In a different world I could tell you about other professions without feeling as if I’m going to get incriminated against by somebody in the audience or somebody listening, that is a big difference in terms of the way that we can even have this discussion with people who are currently in sex work.

And as someone who is currently running her own business, a big thing that I’m learning about is even finding ways of selling my content without breaking any laws…if you’ve ever used paypal or godaddy things that you would normally use just to sell your business, for me it would take much longer and it would cost me more in the end because of the work I do. Granted, it might be legal in some states, and granted in society’s mind pornography isn’t really thought of as having any of those particular issues, but for me just being somebody who has been in the porn industry and has started out I can tell you that the way I handle my business, it’s discriminatory. I’m not doing anything wrong, and yet I can’t…function like a normal entrepreneur.

I think what we’re all working towards is really just trying to find equality in terms of the choices that we have and be able to talk about sex work in a way that isn’t going to be incriminating and in a way that isn’t going to prevent us from living our lives to the fullest and making those choices that ultimately make us happy.”

Will Rockwell is a youth advocate and editor of $pread magazine

“’Ideally’ is such a huge question, and I like how Audacia framed it in terms of how the sex industry in a utopian vision would be part of different changes in the world around economic, racial, and gender justice.

I think ideally we would start incorporating young people into the vision too, not to assume that every young person is sexually exploited, but to assume that perhaps it’s a more complicated story and until there are those options […] to choose more empowering paths or different paths as opposed to the limited choices many of us who started young were left with, which is to say a ‘choice among limited choices.’ Still, every choice under post-industrial capitalism is a choice among limited choices, and those options would have to include, in this ‘utopian’ universe, a place to sleep, regular pay, non-minimum wage job, an end to racist, sexist, and transphobic occupational discrimination […] Definitely, I think a practical step to take right now is to incorporate more into the movement a vision of what we’re doing to help young people who work, too, and to address their self-determined needs, whether it is improved working conditions, an end to criminalization, or a safe exit from the industry.”

Sienna Baskin is an attorney at the Sex Workers Project at the Urban Justice Center

“People usually come to me when they have a problem, because I’m a lawyer, and it’s a sex work problem, because it’s for the sex workers project. So mostly people are not having their best day when they come to me. But every once in a while I have someone who comes to me and says “I have a problem, but let me just tell you one thing first, I love sex work, I love it, I tried being a psychotherapist, didn’t like it, I love it, it’s what I want to do” and they just want to make that clear. I wish every client felt that way and that we lived in a world where everyone felt that way about their jobs and that they just love their jobs. And I think that’s a bigger, broader change in capitalism…we need to make that happen.

Another thing I would love is if people could put their sex work jobs on their resumes when trying to get other jobs. When I often talk to people about employment discrimination and they [say] “I have to…hide the fact and hope that no one finds out the fact that my work experience is in sex work.” But there are so many transferable skills and I wish that that could be recognized and people could talk about all the great skills they now have that could be applied to other kinds of work.

And then in doing policy work on the federal level, on the state level, I realize that sex workers are the last thing its OK to discriminate against, it’s OK to throw under the bus. And if you really want to get the votes out or get elected again, just make a law against sex work—another one, even though it’s already illegal. I would love a world where sex workers are recognized as a really formidable constituency and every law that you’re trying to pass you have to think ‘well how might this impact my sex work constituency and I should really talk to them about it and make sure they’re on board.’”

Maryse Mitchell-Brody is co-founder of Sex Workers Action New York

“I want a world with access, whether that means access to condoms, access to choice, access to housing, also access to justice, whatever that means for individuals and not necessarily [through] what I call the criminal legal system (not the criminal justice system) because I don’t think people experience much justice there.

We really are talking about what we’re against, but we’re up against an awful lot. I want to see more collectivizing and solidarity in sex worker communities…I’ve seen a lot of amazing solidarity and I’ve seen folks not always having each other’s backs as much as I’d hope. So I want a world in which it’s safe for people to have each other’s backs because it doesn’t mean you going hungry that night.”

There is a lot to change to make a just world for sex workers, but the links between sex work advocacy and broader social issues can inspire solidarity between movements to move the process forward.

The State of Our Union – a poem by Cristina Dominguez

As this ink runs
my mind clears.
what we are,
who we’ve become,
separate and together
and I remember why
In between these lines,
like the words yours and mine,
we don’t fit.

Not suited
to be recruited
into love’s
drone-like roles
or over-done scripts,
ripped from their grip
we’re misfits–
chance and fate,
in reality
each other’s mate.

In these music-less lyrics
I can hear it,
witness to
how you
the beginning
and end
of the songs
that remind me of

The screws that hold together my bed,
the frame of reference
of restless nights
the touch in my hand,
the thought in my head,
in the place where I lay awake
the place that I make
without you
but more near to you
than I’ve ever known

Presently navigating
negotiating interstate
the state of our being,
our meaning
you permeate
the borders that delineate
our divided position.
resurrected by transition
our path isn’t linearly directed
our bond, neither bound nor neglected–
fused in disarray,
connected in confusion,
I confess
we are a mess
but certainly not an illusion

Through the worst of it
or at the very least
we’ve rehearsed it
well versed in it
masters of disaster,
we cheated our way to faithfulness
cleaned up by creating a mess
to begin again
to be new
to renew,
breaking apart
breaking open our hearts
to restart.

I respect
and expect you
to expand your exploration

Midway through the night,
halfway through the day
genius or insanity
who’s to say?
So we’ve ruined their rules
we were never meant to play
their way.
Far from subliminal
but subversive and criminal
I’ll steal their words
to make it worse,
It has been, is, and always will be true
I love you

Date Rape is a Crime, not an “Incoherent Concept”

American U. column and its media coverage distort and confuse the issue

Washington, DC – The recent opinion column in the American University student newspaper – and its ensuing media coverage – fails to accurately represent the reality of sexual assault on college and university campuses. Rape is not an “incoherent concept” for the estimated one in four college women who will be raped by classmates, boyfriends, friends, or dorm-mates during their college career.

Rape is any form of penetration without consent and by force or threat of force; in nearly every state, someone who is intoxicated cannot legally consent to sex. Even though we know that rape is a felony, we are taught that the line of consent is blurry – perhaps even malleable. When a woman drinks too much at a party, or goes home with a certain guy, or goes into his bedroom, consent is too often taken for granted. It is not only the survivors who lose because of these problematic assumptions. On the one hand, eighty percent of survivors know their perpetrators, making it nearly impossible for women to distinguish “safe guys” from “potential rapists.” On the other hand, while the vast majority of these perpetrators are men, most men do not rape women.

Many of the college men that Men Can Stop Rape works with nationwide are engaged around this issue precisely because they have seen firsthand the devastating effects of sexual assault on the women they care about. These men know that the two percent of false rape reports are not the real problem; and they focus on supporting the millions of women – like family, friends, classmates, coworkers, and service members – who are sexually assaulted every year. These men work with women as allies in creating safe, healthy relationships and behavior.

It is not likely that the media will stop victim-blaming unless more people speak out against attitudes like “rape is an incoherent concept.” Last week on April 1st marked the beginning of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. There is no better time for individuals, especially men, to learn how they can stand up, be strong, and take action to prevent rape and date rape.

Five things college men can do to prevent date rape:

1. Does kissing mean that a person wants to have sex? How do you know? When a situation is unclear, asking before you act will ensure safe and healthy sex for everyone.

2. Accept when consent is withdrawn. Even after a person has given their consent, that person can withdraw it at any time. We all deserve the right to change our minds.

3. If a person is drunk or high and can’t give consent, back off and wait until you both are sober.

4. You’ve heard of designated drivers. Now use the same principle to prevent rape. At a party, designate someone among your group of friends to keep an eye on a guy that might be behaving in ways that could lead to sexual violence.

5. You probably will never see a rape in progress, but you will hear attitudes and see behaviors that degrade women and promote a culture of violence. When your friend tells a rape joke, let him know it’s not funny.

Men Can Stop Rape (MCSR)’s mission is to mobilize men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women. Named by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as one of the world’s most innovative violence prevention programs, Men Can Stop Rape has reached over 2 million youth and professionals since 1997. MCSR has provided youth and college programming, public awareness materials, and training for the Department of Defense, Office of Health & Human Services, Liz Claiborne, Inc. (Love is Respect), DCPS, California Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and more. For more information, please go to

F.A.T.E. NYC (Fashion. Art. Timeless. Experience.)

On Saturday, April 10, F.A.T.E. NYC is hosting an indoor arts flea
market at 306 Eighth Avenue (between 25th and 26th Streets) from

We’re opening up our 1500 square feet of space to local artists,
vendors, musicians, models, poetry readings, photographers, jewelry
makers, craftspersons. Each seller should bring a card table sized
display area. Wall space IS available.
Cost to display is $60. We also have 1500 square feet of rooftop space
for display and relaxation, with sweeping cityscape views in four

Will be a large turnout of customers and an excellent way to bring out
one’s brand/work at minimal/bargain basement price.

Facebook Fanpage is F.A.T.E. NYC (Fashion. Art. Timeless. Experience.)
Contact, or call John 917.650.4330

By subway take the 1,2,3,N,R,Q,W, or A to 34th Street. Walk south to
26th Street then west to 8th Avenue.
Our location is walkeable from Macy’s, Fashion Institute of Technology
and all the Chelsea Art Galleries!

Equal Visibility Everywhere: changing the face of America one symbol at a time

How many national holidays for female historical figures are there? When is the last time you saw a woman on a stamp? Where are women’s faces on our paper currency?

EvE: Equal Visibility Everywhere was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in early March 2010, and their mission is to increase the visibility of women as positive role models in the media, as well as the nation’s monuments such as statues, street names and postage stamps.

“We live in a culture dominated by male icons, images, memorials, and statues. This subtle but continuous flood of male images both inflates male entitlement and diminishes the confidence of women. When girls and women don’t see themselves on our currency or our stamps, or memorialized in our statuary, the message is clear: You are invisible. You don’t matter.”

Visit their website to find out more and contribute to this important cause.

Sex Stories by Christina Cicchelli

Christina Cicchelli is a sex worker and sex writer who spoke at Paradigm Shift’s event “Sex Work and Human Rights: Feminist Advocacy Strategies.”

Get her e-book Sex Stories here and enjoy some of her tantalizing tales!

“Part-memoir and part-erotica, Sex Stories recounts some of my most memorable sexual encounters with acquaintances and clients. The fantasies in these stories range from sensual to sadistic and everything in between. There are tales of perversity, tales of aggressive lust, and tales of forbidden indulgences.”

Her Train of Thought – an original theatrical experience

Life on the subways and sidewalks is full of emotions, expectations, contradictions, and community. Take a closer look…from a woman’s point of view.

Thursday April 8th @ 8pm

Friday April 9th @ 8pm

Saturday April 10th @ 8pm

Appearing at University Settlement
184 Eldridge St.

“Women and War: Liberian Women ‘Pray the Devil Back to Hell'”, Living Room Dialogue

Network for Peace through Dialogue presents
a Living Room Dialogue- “Women and War: Liberian Women ‘Pray the Devil Back to Hell'”

In most historical settings, a role of women in the peace making process is largely untold.
What if there is a story of women playing a huge part to put an end to a brutal war?
There is! “Pray the Devil Back to Hell” tells a remarkable story of the courageous Liberian women who came together to end a bloody civil war and bring peace to their shattered country.

After viewing a scene from the film, questions will be asked such as, “What role can women play in promoting peace?” “What do women bring to the peace table differently from men?” “Is peace ‘feminine’? Is war ‘masculine’?”

Let’s DIALOGUE!! Please bring a snack to share.

View the trailer here

Thursday, April 8th, 2010, 6:30 PM
Marymount School of New York
1026 5th Avenue 84th St.
Call 212-426-5818 for information and RSVP or

Sex Work, Human Rights, & Feminism Series Part 2: The Image of a Sex Worker

This series of posts from the community is in preparation for Paradigm Shift’s next event, “Sex Work and Human Rights: Feminist Advocacy Strategies” A panel discussion and screening on TUES, March 30th, 7pm, NYC. We want to hear your stories! View call for submissions- deadline 3/28-

by Morgan Boecher

Sex work is a divisive issue among contemporary feminists. Is it a job that enables independence and empowerment or is it a compromised position for women that reiterates sexist roles? The heated debate from various sides indicates that the answer is not simple. Sex work has had a decidedly positive impact on some women’s lives, while other women have never known the meaning of empowerment through sex work. The myriad experiences of those involved with and affected by sex work cannot add up to a sum total of “sex work = good” or “sex work = bad.” However, patterns emerge and sex work begins to mean something.

For me, sex work means danger. There is someone very close to me who is a sex worker, and she is not empowered. She is not free or independent. She is controlled by boyfriends and drugs and insecurities. She hurts herself and those around her all the time. Her idea of what a woman should be like – sexy, fashionable, cute, rich – is a cocktail of TV stereotypes. It’s as though she consumed the most literal hourglass-shaped template from mainstream media.

But to say that the poor thing had no choices is terribly condescending. Of course she had choices, even though they were embedded within a culture that partially promotes the glamorous porn-star-gangster image. Out of many options, she chose to focus on that one image of what a woman can be in American society.

This is where I get caught up in the idea that sex work is dangerous for women. The media portrays a specific, one-sided, degraded image of what a sex worker is, despite the vast diversity in individual experience and personhood among sex workers. This misogynist portrayal incites people to copy it, thus producing a pattern that gets us no closer to a feminist future. Of course there are sex workers who are aware of the messages that are propagated by the media, and actively decide how to respond. No sex worker is without choice, but the invasive effects of the media cannot be ignored either.

So is sex work inherently more dangerous than other businesswoman-customer interactions? Besides the physical and emotional complications that are usually involved with intercourse, no. But within the context of a sexist society that naturalizes sex work as something that women were meant to do (how many times have I heard that lame “it’s the oldest profession!” excuse?), well, that’s another matter.

I question whether sex work in any form can be a way to empower women as a whole. I feel like I can be convinced otherwise, but right now I am doubtful that it can. I have seen the heinous ways in which the one I care about was violated, and how that violation led to her downward spiral of which sex work is a part. If anything is to change, though, sex workers must be the ones to define themselves, not the misogynist media. And the sex workers who have the well-being of women in mind, namely feminist sex workers, will be the ones to redefine the trade for the better.

SAY SO! Sexual Assault Yearly Speak Out

April is sexual assault awareness month. Come to the Callahan Center at St. Francis College on April 20th to celebrate healing and recovery from sexual violence in NYC through stories, music, yoga, and art!

This public event is designed to inspire and inform participants. SAYSO Brooklyn! will celebrate healing and recovery from sexual violence through a speak out and other healing activities. There will be performances by local talent, testimonies from survivors, participatory art projects, yoga, and information about services available to survivors and allies. Representatives from many local service providers will be present to share information. There will also be snacks, raffle prizes and other give-always!
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