Facilitated by international Jungian psychotherapist and author, Benig Mauger
Gay Center, NYC
Saturday, May 29, 2010
11 am–4 pm (Opening circle begins 11 am promptly)
ALL WELCOME: Please register in advance by calling Amethyst at 212-222-2467 or emailing amethystsylviachild@gmail.com
$30.00 with advance registration (you may pay on the day of the workshop); $40.00 at the door without advance registration (Cash ONLY)
“An understanding of the transcendent and mystical that is deeply grounded in the psychological is necessary if we are not to get bogged down in the narcissism of ‘woundology,’ or swept away by an ungrounded mysticism that promises healing without struggle.” *
We suffer from a collective broken heart at this time in history. Not only are our hearts broken personally, they’re also broken en mass, making for the unprecedented upheaval we are experiencing. Despite being told that wholeness and love lie within us, in our “quick fix” society, we often look for answers outside of ourselves and remain trapped in our wounds thus hampering our spiritual growth. Using a unique blend of psychology and spirituality, Jungian psychotherapist and author Benig Mauger, drawing from her latest book, will present this experiential workshop to guide you on your inner journey to healing. Using meditation, art, myth, poetry, movement and dream work, we’ll consider how heartbreak can be an initiation that leads to love and compassion. Come discover what your own path to inner healing, wellness, and spiritual purpose can awaken in you.
* From Love in a Time of Broken Heart: Healing From Within, by Benig Mauger
A book signing will follow the event
What to bring: something to write on and art materials such as crayons or paint, if desired. Very important: Please bring a personal item with you that you feel represents you or how you see yourself at this time…it can be a flower, piece of clothing, a crystal, whatever.
Love in a Time of Broken Heart: Healing From Within by Benig Mauger will be used as a resource during the workshop. Copies will be available for purchase that day for $27 (cash please).
Benig Mauger will be available for a limited number of one-on-one sessions on Sunday, May 30, 2010 by appointment. If you would like an appointment please contact Benig directly: benig@me.com.
Benig Mauger is an Ireland-based Jungian psychotherapist, writer, poet and public speaker. A pioneer in pre- and peri-natal psychology and founder of the Holistic Birth Center in London, she is the author of Songs from the Womb: Healing the Wounded Mother, Reclaiming Father: The Search for Wholeness in Men, Women and Children and, most recently, Love in a Time of Broken Heart: Healing From Within. Benig travels internationally to teach, lecture and run workshops. Well known in Ireland and Europe, she is now expanding her audience to the United States. Benig Mauger is warm, humorous, sincere and heartfelt in her caring for people and her subject: Healing From Within. Learn more about her at http://www.soul-connections.com.
Workshop Location and Directions:
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &
Transgender Community Center
208 West 13th Street
New York, NY 10011
Website: www.gaycenter.org
Phone: 212-620-7310
The Center is between 7th and 8th Aves
Subway & PATH Directions
1, 2, or 3 to 14th Street and 7th Avenue
A, C, E, or L to 14th Street and 8th Avenue
F or V to 14th Street and 6th Avenue
PATH to 14th Street and 6th Avenue
Testimonials about Benig Mauger:
“Benig’s workshops and talks are powerful and profound because of her soulful and intimate way of working with people. A strong teacher and speaker as well as therapist and writer, Benig is gifted with the ability to provide information while coming directly from the heart, and touches participants through compassionate engagement, moving them into their own hearts.” Editor
“Benig’s workshop at Rowe Conference Center was the best I have attended in a long time, a combination of deep inner work and physical play which included singing, dancing, writing and drawing. She held us as we told our stories, moved through our grief, relived our past through our presence with each other. Benig has the ability to adapt to the participants’ needs, and the strength to guide the group to a compassionate whole. Her books are simple enough for the layman and yet complex enough to hold the attention of the clinical worker. Wonderful!” Singer and songwriter
“With the use of archetypes, fairy tales and dream enactment, Benig encouraged us to explore how our earliest experiences shape our patterns of relating. I found Benig to be a very human and compassionate woman who shared some of her own journey with us thus enabling us to do the same. A truly healing and transformative experience!” Social Care Worker
“Benig’s workshop was for me in ONE word an AWAKENING.” Psychotherapist
“Benig just knows when to go forward, when to withdraw … What more can be said … She embraces us at all times.” Holistic Massage Therapist
Quotes from Benig Mauger:
“It is always important to express the feelings involved in loss.”
“Nowadays we need to build soul stamina; we need to be able to endure hardship, and grow from it. It is no longer enough to simply be aware of soul and to be prepared to heal our wounds. We need to develop the capacity to endure.”
“Separation and aloneness are very important when we are healing our hearts.”
“The catch phrase “love yourself” is so clichéd as to be often dismissed, yet is nonetheless an important reality and essential truth.”
“Facilitating the movement from enduring the suffering of early painful experiences, learning from them and transcending them, I consider one my main tasks as a therapist.”
“Experiencing profound love and heartbreak is also the conduit to learning to love unconditionally and to experience compassion.”
“The marriage of psychology and spirituality is one of my main focuses, because the time has come when our evolution demands it.”
“We are largely unconscious of what story we might be living, but if we do not work at becoming conscious, we identify with the drama, so that we live, act and behave as the characters we identify with.”
“We always seek what we lack, and we always seek balance.”
“People that feel loved glow, and are generally able to give and receive love more easily than those who feel intrinsically unloved.”
“We always have choice, but we generally need to become aware of our unconscious patterns before we can exercise this choice.”
“We have to earn spiritual qualities; they are not handed to us on a plate.”
“At the core of falling in love is a vision of wholeness.”
“It often takes great courage to accept the challenges that the soul sets up for us.”
“When we love we are immediately in the realm of the soul.”
“Letting go of what we think we want and simply being and accepting what is means something new can arrive.”
“Our hearts are the messengers of our spirits, so that listening to the heart connects us with our soul and our life’s purpose.”
“At the time of writing, world events have shattered the heart of man so that, I believe, we are living in a time of broken heart.”
“One thing is clear … healing always comes from within.”
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