Archive for PShiftTV

THE SARI SOLDIERS | Trailer | Women Make Movies

A film by Julie Bridgham

“Filmed over three years during the most historic and pivotal time in Nepals modern history, The Sari Soldiers is an extraordinary story of six womens courageous efforts to shape Nepals future in the midst of an escalating civil war against Maoist insurgents, and the Kings crackdown on civil liberties. When Devi, mother of a 15-year-old girl, witnesses her niece being tortured and murdered by the Royal Nepal Army, she speaks publicly about the atrocity. The army abducts her daughter in retaliation, and Devi embarks on a three-year struggle to uncover her daughters fate and see justice done.” —

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Profiles in Strength, The Masculinity Stories: Story 4

The same woman from Profiles in Strength, The Masculinity Stories: Story 3 tells her most important memory of her father.

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How do children construct fathers’ masculinities? Do daughters and sons construct fathers’ masculinities in different ways?

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Profiles in Strength, The Masculinity Stories: Story 3

An older women recalls the story of her father’s masculinity and character.

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Profiles in Strength, The Masculinity Stories: Story 1

Pat McGann produced this video for the Men Can Stop Rape campaign. This video is a man telling his story about his father’s masculinity, the way that it was a product of something much larger, and the implications that this particular masculinity has had on his own life.

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Men Can Stop Rape Celebrates 10 Years of Work with Young Men

This video discusses the history of Men Can Stop Rape, as well as the future of the organization, and their strategies and approaches to ending rape.

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The Men Can Stop Rape campaign (and other anti-violence men’s organizations) focus on the strength of men, along with an insistence that men’s strength is not for violence. What is this strength? What is this strength for?

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This TV commercial for the White Ribbon Campaign confronts the issue of silence surrounding domestic violence.

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Why does so much silence surrounds domestic violence? Why is it that so often no one is willing to confront an abuser?

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White Ribbon Campaign

This is a video about the history, mission, and approach of the White Ribbon Campaign.

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Are men more likely to listen to other men when it comes to certain issues?

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2007 White Ribbon Campaign Featuring Gorden Tallis

This is a commercial featuring Australian rugby player Gorden Tallis speaking about violence against women in Australia.

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In the two White Ribbon Campaign Commercials featured on PShiftTV, the men cialis 5mg admit that it is embarrassing to wear the white ribbon symbol, but more embarrassing to be living in a country with such a high domestic violence rate. Why would it be embarrassing for these men to be a symbol for the White Ribbon Campaign?

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2007 White Ribbon Campaign Featuring Jason Johnson

This video is features Jason Johnson, Australian football player, promoting the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Johnson focuses on the extremely high rate of abused women in Australia.

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Tough Guise: Violence, Media, and the Crisis in Masculinity

Feminist and anti-violence educator Jackson Katz discusses the ways in which men are constructed to be violent. Katz makes the point that men have a responsibility to deal with these negative forms of masculinity, even though women are typically the ones bringing attention to the issue. He discusses the importance of alternative masculinities, and how both men and women can help bring this change.

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Overcoming violent and oppressive forms of masculinity is definitely a feminist issue; however, as Katz points out, these forms of masculinity are detrimental to men—not just women. Why are many men so defensive of a certain type of masculinity? Why are so many men reluctant to identify as feminists, even if they hold feminist values?

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