Archive for shireensaxena

Join Us for the NEDAwareness Week Panel Discussion!

Join Us for the 2014 NEDAwareness Week Panel Discussion!
“I Had No Idea!” – What Everyone Should Know About Eating Disorders

Join NEDA for a candid panel discussion about eating disorder misconceptions and diverse experiences of recovery from family members and those who have struggled.

Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Time: 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Address: 1560 Broadyway, 14th Floor  New York, NY 10036
(Enter through the Times Square Visitors Center on Broadway Between 46th and 47th Streets)

Moderated by Brad E. R. Smith, MD, assistant clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin; clinical associate professor at the University of Wisconsin, Department of Psychiatry; and Medical Director of Adult Inpatient Eating Disorder Services at Rogers Memorial Hospital

Panelists Include: Susan Maccia, Benjamin O’Keefe, Adam Radwan, Stacey Sargeant, Corazon Tierra, Temimah Zucker

For more details, see the event flyer!

5:30 – 6:00 PM Light Refreshments
6:00 – 7:30 PM Panel Discussion
7:30 – 8:00 PM Meet the Panel

If you’d like to attend this event you can RSVP online.


Sun, Apr 6: NOW Northeast Regional Conference in Brooklyn

ONE BILLION RISING Friday, Feb 14, 2014, Hammerstein Ballroom

JUST LOVE. Release. Embody. Love. February 14 NYC.

Join the Conversation — “Why Do You Need Strong Women in Film?”

Dear Friend,

The Athena Film Festival is less than 2 weeks away! News we’d love to share with you:


While preparing for the Athena Film Festival, our interns (current Barnard students) created this incredible video filled with answers to the question:

“Why Do You Need Strong Women in Film?”

Watch the video. Share with the World. Join the Conversation. #athena14


Tickets are on Sale Now. Just $12 for regular admission and $5 for students. An All-Access Pass, which allows entry into all panels, films and Master Classes is just $65. Click here to purchase tickets.



The Athena Film Festival takes pride in the number of panels, Q&A’s, and conversations we have during our 4-day festival.

The Following Guests Are Confirmed to Attend the Festival:


Amma Asante, Director of Belle, will join us for a Q&A following her film.

Dr. Steven Bernstein (Director, Decoding Annie Parker), Dr. Robert Benezra (Cancer Biology & Genetics Program Sloan-Kettering Institute) and Dr. Alison Estabrook (Chief of the Comprehensive Breast Center at St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals) will discuss the scientific and medical implications of the important discover of the BRCA1 gene in breast cancer patients.

Donna Zaccaro, Director, Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way, and Marie C. Wilson, founder of the White House Project and Athena Center Fellow, will join the audience for a discussion following the film.

Kristine Lilly (Member of the 1999 Women’s World Cup Team), Tony DiCicco (Coach of the 199 Women’s World Cup Team), Erin Leyden, Director of The ’99ers will participate in a post-screening discussion after The ’99ers.

Grace Lee Boggs, activist and film subject, will join us for a Q&A following the film American Revolutionary.

Meera Menon, Director, and Laura Goode, Producer, will join us for a Q&A following Farah Goes Bang.

Susan Seidelman, Director, The Hot Flashes, will join us for a Q&A following her film.

Tracy Middendorf, Actress, Reaching for the Moon, will join us for a Q&A following the film.

Josh Astrachan, Producer, Short Term 12, will join us for a Q&A following his film.

Jillian Schlesinger, Director, and Emily McAllister, Producer, will join us for a Q&A following Maidentrip.

Ron Davis, Director, Miss You Can Do It, will join us for a Q&A following the film.

Rebecca Parish, Director of Radical Grace, will join us for a Q&A following her film.

Maria Agui Carter, Director, Rebel will join us for a Q&A following her film.

Therese Schecter (Director, #slutwalknyc) and Lynn Estomin (Director, Out of Step) will join us for a Q&A after Shorts Program I.

Anna Cady (Director, 30% (Women and Politics in Sierre Leone)) and Sadia Halima (Director, Laal Pari) will join the audience for a discussion following Shorts Program II.



Callie Khouri, Writer/Director/Creator of Nashville, will join us for a Master Class.

Debra Martin Chase, Producer, will join us for a Master Class.

Laura Karpman, Film Composer, will join us for a Master Class.

Leymah Gbowee, Liberian Peace Activist and Women’s Rights Advocate, will join us for a conversation with Athena Center Director Kathryn Kolbert. The two will discuss Gbowee’s efforts to bring peace and social justice to war-torn areas, and how films such as Pray the Devil Back to Hell and One Billion Rising, which will be shown during the conversation, can propel international recognition of advocacy.

Nancy Gates (Talent Agent), Ariane Rinehart (Actress), Naomi Foner (Screenwriter) will join us for a Barnard in the Biz Panel — moderated by Barnard Dean Avis Hinkson.

Lydia Dean Pilcher (Producer), Stacy Smith (USC Professor) and Anna Holmes (founder of Jezebel) will join us for the panel, On the Frontlines of Change: Amplifying Women’s Voices, moderated by Sundance Institute Director Keri Putnam.

Paula Silver (Marketing Consultant), Neema Barnette (Director) and Ilene Kahn Power (Producer) will join us for the panel Tales from the Trenches: The Women in Film Foundation’s Legacy Series.

JOIN US TODAY: 1 Year After Combat Exclusion Policy Lifted

January 24, 2014


Dear Friends, womenincombat


One year ago today, the Defense Department announced its decision to end the combat exclusion policy, which for twenty years prohibited women from serving in units whose primary mission was to engage the enemy in ground combat. This policy failed to recognize the frontline realities and accomplishments of service women in Iraq and Afghanistan. SWAN applauded this Defense Department decision, which came shortly after SWAN and 4 service women, with assistance from the ACLU, filed a lawsuit challenging this policy.


Today, we celebrate this historic decision. But our work is not yet done. The Defense Department’s directives to further integrate women still fall short. And SWAN’s lawsuit continues because these injustices persist.


Yesterday, the Army announced that it will open 33,000 more jobs to qualified women. However, thousands of military jobs, including combat arms jobs, still remain closed. Service women should be able to compete for every school, assignment or job open to men. Every woman who meets the standard should get the job. Period.


Next week, the Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) and Combat Integration Initiative (CII) will host a legislative briefing on Capitol Hill to show senators and representatives why we cannot be satisfied with the status quo. More congressional oversight is needed to ensure the military does not continue to exclude women from positions for which they are qualified. No excuses.


Today, from 2-3pm ET, join SWAN, ACLU, NWLC and CII in a tweetstorm to raise awareness about the lasting impacts of this policy and urge the Defense Department to ‘finish the job’ with respect to integration. Follow @servicewomen and use hashtag #WomenInCombat. Sample tweets are listed below.


In honor of the anniversary of the decision to end the combat exclusion policy, please consider a gift to SWAN to continue fueling change and advancing opportunities for our service women and women veterans.


In service,



SAMPLE TWEETS: #WomenInCombat Tweetstorm TODAY 2-3 pm ET


Ban on #combatexclusion lifted 1 yr ago today. Thousands of #military jobs = still closed to women. What are we waiting for? #WomenInCombat


ALL #military branches should make clear: women will be allowed to train & compete for closed positions. #WomenInCombat


Why was combat exclusion policy lifted? Policy = archaic, contrary to reality of women on ground in Iraq & Afghanistan. #WomenInCombat


What did combat exclusion policy do? Prohibit women from units where primary mission = engage enemy in ground combat #WomenInCombat


Simple fact:  #Military needs servicewomen in ground combat teams. No excuses. #WomenInCombat


Women pass enlisted #infantry course but #Marines still deny job. Women who pass course should get job. Period. #WomenInCombat


Bust through the brass ceiling once and for all. Let qualified women compete for combat positions. #WomenInCombat


Service women should be able to compete for every assignment, school, or job open to men. #WomenInCombat


When #military closes jobs to qualified women for no reason but gender, retention suffers. @DeptofDefense: open all jobs. #WomenInCombat


.@DeptofDefense: Every woman who meets the standard should get the job. #WomenInCombat

Our #military standards should be job-specific, not gender-specific. #WomenInCombat


.@DeptofDefense: Finish your mission. Get #combatintegration done NOW. #WomenInCombat


Fact: women have been risking and sacrificing lives in combat for years. #WomenInCombat


.@USMC doing “research” on whether women can handle combat. History shows they can. #WomenInCombat


.@DeptofDefense still excludes women from even applying for 1000s of combat positions solely bc of gender. #WomenInCombat


.@DeptofDefense’s policies on #WomenInCombat = talent drain of battle-tested women. #Military needs to retain trained, experienced women.


Even in Reserves, many units still closed to women. #WomenInCombat


.@DeptofDefense left possibility that some career fields, units, and jobs, could remain closed to women. Why? #WomenInCombat


.@DeptofDefense policy on #WomenInCombat harms #military readiness of world’s greatest fighting force.


.@DeptofDefense: don’t close #military careers to women. Women deserve right to compete. #WomenInCombat


.@USSOCOM: “Assessment” process perpetuates the myth that we don’t know whether #WomenInCombat works. No need to wait!


All-volunteer #military forces can’t afford to lose talent of experienced women fighters. #WomenInCombat

About Us
SWAN is a civil rights organization founded and led by women veterans. SWAN works to transform military culture by securing equal opportunity and freedom to serve without discrimination, harassment or assault; and to reform veterans’ services to ensure high quality health care and benefits for women veterans and their families.You can find the Service Women’s Action Network on our homepage, on Twitter and on Facebook.


Like on us Facebook:

Follow us on Twitter:


INDWELLING February 22

Saturday, February 22, 2014
INDWELLING: Living in a Female Body

                      This year we honor

Dr. Leonore Tiefer, author, educator, researcher, therapist, and activist. She has specialized in many areas of sexuality, and written widely about the medicalization of men’s and women’s sexuality. She has been interviewed by news media around the world and appeared on many news shows as the foremost critic of “disease-mongering” trends in the medical management of women’s sexual problems. The website of her educational anti-medicalization campaign,, is a major resource on this topic for journalists, colleagues, and the public. She is currently Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at both New York University School of Medicine and Albert Einstein College of Medicine and has a private psychotherapy and sex therapy practice in Manhattan. Her Westview Press book, Sex is Not a Natural Act and other essays now in a 2nd edition (2004), has been translated into several languages. For more information, please visit

-For the last 30 years, The WTCI has offered a Speakout, a time honored traditional forum for women to find their individual voice and share experiences, allowing the personal story of each woman to be heard, dignified, and transformed by our coming together.

–Poet Lily Myers is a Sociology student at Wesleyan University, where she competed on the 2012-2013 WeSLAM team. She grew up in Seattle, Washington. She is convinced that by sharing and listening to each other’s writing, we can better understand and thus humanize each other. She loves poetry for the way it makes us honest and vulnerable. She is looking for poetry submissions for her feminist blog: Contact her with thoughts or submissions at


Saturday, February 22


Friends Meeting House

15 Rutherford Place @ East 15th Street

     between 2nd & 3rd Avenues

     (a short walk from Union Square)

Suggested Donation: $25 / students $15

Underwritten tickets available.


Early Bird Registration Rates Still Available for NYFLC 2014!


There’s only one week left to register for the 10th Annual National Young Feminist Leadership conference at our discounted Early Bird rates!

Our EB registration rates for the 10th Annual National Young Feminist Leadership Conference are $25 for individuals and $20 per person for groups of five or more. Every year, our NYFLC is jam-packed with feminist students, top feminist leaders and politicians, and lots of supporting organizations; as always, we’re spending two days of NYFLC ’14 right outside DC to strategize and network before we head to the Hill for Congressional Visit Day. Register before Saturday, February 1 to get in on the action before it’s too late! Prices will go up after EB Registration ends, and hotel space is limited!

As always, you can check out our updated conference portal for fundraising ideas, lodging information and discounts, and everything you need to plan your trip. You can also RSVP to the conference on Facebook to find friends, arrange carpools, and connect with other attendees. And don’t forget to tweet about the conference with the hashtag #NYFLC2014!

Register today at our lowest rates, and we’ll see you there. 

For equality,

FMF Campus Team
Adriana, Brooke, Carmen, Edwith, Kristy, Maddie and duVergne

PS: If you have any questions, concerns, or unique needs, or know you’ll be registering a group, don’t hesitate to contact us at or call 703-522-2214 and ask for a campus organizer.

Come to the New Masculinities Festival on Feb. 9th!

The New Masculinities Festival
Breathing new life into what it means to be a man!
Sunday, February 9 ; 1pm – 10pm
Come for a show, or stay for the whole day!
Join us as we…
Explore the impacts that the expectations of masculinity have on our lives;
Expand and go beyond ready-made perspectives;
Create possibilities for new gender expression!

$10 per performance suggested donation
Or $20 for full day!
Tickets at the door or full-day tickets online

More info:

Donate Today

In Three Weeks We RISE!

In Three Weeks We RISE!

Activists in 169 countries on six continents, including newest additions – Albania, Benin, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guyana, Jamaica, Lesotho, Luxembourg, and Slovenia – are planning to RISE.

Is YOUR event on the map? If not, ADD IT NOW >

Want to FIND an event near you? Search HERE >

Activity in V-World is moving at lightning speed with news being added each day – from the synchronicity of a RISING activist from Kyrgyzstan meeting Eve at the Sundance film festival to One Billion Rising events being announced in Española, NM;  London; San Francisco and many more, to urgent petitions for justice from Peru, the Caribbean, Guatemala, London, the campaign is deepening and expanding.


“This is What Justice Looks Like” page is brimming with voices, videos, original art from across the globe exploring the theme of justice.

As we approach 14 February, let’s continue to shine a spotlight on the darkness of injustice and make the connections between our visions of justice and the ultimate goal of eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls by RISING, RELEASING and DANCING in the light.


For more information, visit

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