Archive for Call for Submissions

CALL FOR ART “Hidden Cities” — WCA 2011 National Juried Exhibition, Deadline Nov. 19

Venue: New Century Artists Gallery in Chelsea, NYC

Juror: Lisa Phillips, Director of the New Museum, NY

Eligibility: Open to all women artists

Dates: February 1 to February 12, 2011

Deadline: November 19, 2010

Artists are invited to explore their idea of their Hidden City , real or imagined, in an array of media. The theme may be broadly interpreted from an activist, political or personal context.

No matter our place in society, we all have our Hidden City — a place of refuge from gender, race, class and sexual exclusions, a place that shapes the feminist viewpoint. Some cities, like wrapped boxes, conceal unexpected gifts, others are riddles and lyrical abstractions. These are performative spaces where we may imagine retribution for injustices, righting wrongs or conversely, delving into the dark side. Convince the viewer of its viability, a live space filled with passion and imagination!

Download prospectus and enter online at:

Questions?  Contact Karen Gutfreund, National Exhibitions Coordinator, wcashows(at)

To join WCA, visit

Organized by the Women’s Caucus for Art  (WCA) as part of  the LIVE SPACE: WOMEN + ART+ ACTIVISM Conference in New York City , the exhibition runs concurrent with the College Art Association 2011 conference.  WCA is an affiliate society of CAA and a founding partner of The Feminist Art Project.

Call for Submissions – Body Culture: Image, Appearance, Personhood

Call for guest blog, video, and graphic art submissions in preparation for Paradigm Shift’s next event:

BODY TYPED short films on perfection

Screening & Discussion Featuring

JESSE EPSTEIN, Sundance award-winning Filmmaker

BODY TYPED is a series of short films about body image, media, and cultural identity that will be combined to make a feature documentary. The films use humor to raise serious concerns about the marketplace of commercial illusion and unrealizable standards of physical perfection.

When Dee-Dee the barber learns about the art of photo-retouching, he may never look at his “wall of beauty” the same way again.
Short Subject Jury Award, 2004 Sundance Film Festival

A dancer’s hilarious story about his prominent nose and the effect if has on his career.
Best Short Film, 2007 Newport International Film Festival

A look at mannequins, religion, and perfection.
SXSW, Full Frame, True/False, National PBS Broadcast on POV

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18th at 6:30 pm
Just outside the Feminist District

The Tank- 354 West 45th Street (between 8th & 9th Ave.)
Subway: A,C,E to 42nd Street/Times Square

Cost: $12 students/ pre-paid, $15 at door

Facebook invite:

Submission Deadline- August 22
Use these prompts as guidelines for submissions; essays, poetry, and artwork in all forms accepted:

– the effect of stereotypes on bodies

– body image and health

– expectations that friends and family have of our bodies

– how appearances intersect with gender and sexuality

– the portrayal of bodies in the media

– body empowerment

– social acceptance versus personal acceptance

Submit responses to Please include how you would like to be credited (name, anonymous etc). Video submissions- please submit YouTube private link. Email subject line: Your Name- Blog post- 3/30 Event. content is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Call for Submissions- LGBTQ Pride Month

It’s time again to wave those rainbow flags in celebration of humanity’s diverse array of gender and sexual orientation! In honor of LGBTQ Pride Month, Paradigm Shift is seeking blog, graphic art, and video submissions related to LGBTQ issues and experiences.  Please let us know how you would like to be credited (by name or anonymous)- deadline, Sunday, June 27th.

Email submissions to:

The modern Pride movement took shape out of the Stonewall riots in 1969, a violent clash where gay people fought back against New York City police and their unconstitutional bar raids. The incident was well publicized and cultivated a sense of community among gay people. The concept of Pride resulted in opposition to shame, which was and remains a social mechanism for oppressing LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer) people. The Pride movement has furthered the political struggle for rights by making the LGBTQ community and its issues known.

LGBTQ Pride is a feminist concern because stopping sexist oppression means stopping the systems that create other forms of oppression as well. It would not make sense to focus solely on gender without recognizing the numerous other ways a person would be affected by class, race, sexual orientation, and other forms of diversity. We invite you to voice your ideas and experiences pertaining to Pride in order to increase visibility and awareness of LGBTQ issues as feminist issues.

Some ideas for submissions:

  • Discuss generational shifts within and outside of the LGBTQ community
  • Describe a personal encounter with discrimination and how you dealt with it
  • Reflect on recent LGBTQ-related incidents in the news
  • Create an expression of Pride
  • Recall a fond experience at a Pride celebration
  • Give an example of how LGBTQ issues and feminist issues intersect

Click here for a list of Pride events happening in major cities!

Call for Submissions- Writing/Artwork/Video- Sex Work, Human Rights, & Feminism

Call for guest blog, video, and graphic art submissions in preparation for Paradigm Shift’s next event:


Panel Discussion & Screening Featuring:
SIENNA BASKIN, Esq., Staff Attorney, Sex Workers Project at the Urban Justice Center
CHRISTINA CICCHELLI, Columnist, $pread magazine
MARYSE MITCHELL-BRODY, Co-Founder, Sex Workers Action New York
AUDACIA RAY, International Women’s Health Coalition & co-founder of Sex Work Awareness
WILL ROCKWELL, Editor, $pread magazine

Screening of “Sangram: Sex Worker Organizing In India” a collaboration between the International Women’s Health Coalition and SANGRAM
When: TUES, March 30th
Time: 7:00-10:00 pm
Buy tickets here!

Submission Deadline- March 28
Use these prompts as guidelines for submissions; essays, poetry, and artwork in all forms accepted:

– Discuss the empowering and/or disempowering aspects of sex work
– Positive or negative experiences as a sex worker or with sex workers
– The media’s image of sex workers
– The issue of choice and agency when performing sex work
– Human Rights issues of sex work and sex trafficking in poorer countries
– The pornography industry and its impact on women
– Feminist porn
– Response to books/media by sex workers
– Sex work and health
– Sex work & the law

Submit responses to Please include how you would like to be credited (name, anonymous etc). Video submissions- please submit YouTube private link. Email subject line: Your Name- Blog post- 3/30 Event. content is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

phati’tude Literary Magazine- Submission deadline 3/1

A note from Gabrielle David and I am Executive Director of
the Intercultural Alliance of Artists & Scholars, Inc., a NY-
based nonprofit organization that promotes multicultural
literature and literacy.

I am pleased to announce the launch of our interactive literary
website, phati’tude (, a series of literary
programs that uses printed magazine, website, television
programming and events to keep the written word alive. Check
out our feature interview on Nuyorican poet Jesús Papoleto
Meléndez (Papo); a lively interview with Gabrielle David of
phati’tude and Papo on WBAI radio in NY; featured poet Iraqi-
Israeli poet Ronny Someck, as well as video clips, news
announcements, poetry, articles and more!

We’re also announcing the publication of phati’tude Literary
Magazine. Our submission deadline is March 1, 2010 for our
Spring 2010 issue, to debut in April 2010 in time for National
Poetry Month (check out our submission guidelines). One more
thing . . . we’re running a contest on our website at www. – just fill in our survey and you can win a $100
gift certificate from The survey helps us to better
serve the writers, artists and constituency we seek to serve.
Please let your members know about our services, I would
appreciate it if you would “catch phati’tude” and pass it on to
your members!

If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to
contact me at

phati’tude is a program incentive developed by the
Intercultural Alliance of Artists & Scholars, Inc. (IAAS), a NY-
based nonprofit organization that promotes multicultural
literature and literacy (

Resources & Call for Submissions- National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

by Meredith Villano

In honor of Feb. 21-27, 2010 Paradigm Shift is seeking blog, graphic art, and video submissions related to eating disorder recovery.  Please let us know how you would like to be credited (by name or anonymous)- deadline, Friday March 5th.

Email submissions to:

Since the early 1980s, and especially in the last 5-10 years, much has been written about the personal experience of EDs, societal/cultural pressures to be thin, negative media images, and the cult of the emaciated celebrity, while the experience of the recovery process hardly gets mentioned- which is to the detriment of those effected.  EDs are also far more complex than the mass media would have you believe. According to the there is a biological basis for EDs, “unlike a neurological disorder, which generally can be pinpointed to a specific lesion on the brain, an eating disorder likely involves abnormal activity distributed across brain systems. With increased recognition that mental disorders are brain disorders, more researchers are using tools from both modern neuroscience and modern psychology to better understand eating disorders”.  Studies have identified links between a specific gene variation as well as other biological predispositions for EDs.  On the other hand, some think that EDs stem only from a culturally based internalization of sexism.  Most will agree that it’s a combination of biological, environmental, emotional and behavioral factors.  A metaphor that has been used while thinking about how one develops an eating disorder (and best relates to my personal insight and observations):  biological factors (such as brain chemistry/genetic pre-dispositions) are like a gun, personality traits are the bullets, and environmental factors pull the metaphorical trigger.  ED recovery is a complex process that involves more than promoting and creating healthy media images and role models, and this process deserves more attention in order to save the lives, and better the lives of those effected.

We welcome your thoughts on the recovery process and treatment, in order in give hope to others and to better understand what has worked.

Ideas for submissions focusing on recovery:

  • your experience of recovery and/or treatment- what keeps you healthy
  • your professional experience of working in the field of EDs
  • struggles with recovery, claiming the terms “in recovery” or “recovered”
  • health insurance coverage
  • how you have supported a friend, family member, partner or loved one
  • feminism and ED recovery
Submissions on ED activism and prevention also welcome.
For treatment options call 866-690-7239

Books on Feminism and EDs from a variety of perspectives:

Call for Submissions- Blog/Video/Graphic Art responses- Sexuality, Virginity & “Purity”

Call for guest blog, video, and graphic art submissions in preparation for Paradigm Shift’s next event:

“The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women”
A Discussion with JESSICA VALENTI, Author & Founder/Editor on TUES, FEB. 23rd, 7pm, NYC  Buy Tickets Now- click here.

Submission Deadline- Extended: 2/21- Sunday

You can answer any one of the following questions- submissions of any length welcome, including poetry and graphic art:

– How do you define virginity? Where do you think this definition came from (i.e. society, parents, friends)?

– Imagine a world without the concept of virginity and “purity”- what would that look like?

– How has the concept of virginity and “purity” effected your sex and love life?

– Did you attend abstinence-only classes? What did you think?

– Were you brought up to think of female sexuality as “dirty”? How did it effect you?

– What are some tangible ways we can change the culture of virginity?

Submit responses to Please include how you would like to be credited (name, anonymous etc).  Video submissions- please submit YouTube private link.  Email subject line: Your Name- Blog post- 2/23 Event. content is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Call For Proposals: PERFORMING THE WORLD 2010: Can Performance Change the World?

Call For Proposals

PERFORMING THE WORLD 2010: Can Performance Change the World?

The sixth Performing the World conference will be held in New York City from Thursday, September 30 through Sunday, October 3, 2010. The theme of this year’s conference is: “Can Performance Change the World?”

With this theme, we ask performance activists and scholars to reflect on and address the political aspects of their performance work; at the same time, we invite social change activists to reflect on and address the performance aspects of their political activities. We are looking for proposals —for panels, workshops, performances, demonstrations, installations, etc. — that address this overarching question.

The sponsors of Performing the World — the East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy and the All Stars Project, Inc. — are based in New York City. For decades, both organizations have worked to create a performance-oriented culture and community, in conscious and direct relationship to progressive social change. Our activities involve all neighborhoods and social strata in New York City, and have created an international network of connections.

We envision Performing the World 2010 as a three-day “performance of conversation” with people from all over the world — scholars and researchers; teachers, therapists, social workers and community organizers; doctors and other health workers; theatre and other performance artists; union activists and business leaders; economists and political activists — on the subject of performance and the transformation of the individual, the community, and the world.

The question “Can Performance Change the World?” suggests many themes and topics. Here are a few:

Does performance contribute to people seeing the world in new ways?

Play, performance and learning in and outside of school

Community, therapy and community therapy

Playing at work and working at play

New health care performances for connecting mind and body

Therapy, performance and emotional growth

How is the economy performing?

What does performing on stage have to do with performing off-stage?

Group creativity and social change

Performance, activism and revolution

Proposal submission forms are available at Proposals are due March 15, 2010.

Conference Fees (fees are for the entire conference; there is no day rate)

Before July 1, 2010: US$215

After July 1, 2010: US$245

A key part of the Performing the World experience is the person-to-person connection — building new relationships with people from around the globe. If you need a place to stay during the conference, our International Host Committee will make every effort to find you one in the home of a New Yorker. Housing request forms are available on the website.

Additional information about the conference, and forms for registration, housing and financial aid can be found at

For any questions please contact conference producer Madelyn Chapman at or 212-941-9400, ext 385.

Call for Submissions- Feminists For Choice e-book Project

Call for Papers

Feminists For Choice e-Book Project

Pro-Choice Narratives


Feminists For Choice is seeking essays or narratives from feminists about what drives them to activism.  Essay topics may include, but are not limited to, the following themes:

When did you first call yourself a feminist?

What does feminism mean to you?

Did you grow up in a pro-choice household, or was your family anti-choice?

If you grew up in an anti-choice household, what influenced your decision to become involved in the pro-choice movement?

What does the pro-choice movement mean to you?

What does activism look like to you?

What do you envision as the future for the pro-choice movement?

Pro-choice activists of all ages, gender identities, races, and experience levels are encouraged to contribute.

The essays will be compiled into an e-book, which will be available for download at  All proceeds will benefit Feminists For Choice, and will enable us to continue expand our online resources for the pro-choice community.

Submission Instructions:

Essays should be 5000 words or less

Submissions should be sent via e-mail to

File format should be .doc, .docx, or .rtf


All submissions should be received by March 1, 2010.

If your essay is chosen for publication, you will be notified by March 15, 2010.

For More Information:

Please contact Serena Freewomyn, founder of Feminists For Choice, via e-mail at

Call for Submissions due 7/5/10: Feminist Education Now: Youth, Activism, and Intersectionality

By Jessica Yee

Call for submissions for book: Feminist education now: youth, activism, and intersectionality (working title – tentatively to be changed)

To be published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Winter 2011

Where is feminist education today? This is a question many people are asking, and I’d like to answer them in a book I’m putting together. Where do young people get to learn about feminism? And what the heck does feminism even mean to young people today? (and I’m talking about young, young people, not you 3rd year women’s studies person who might roll your eyes at my next set of questions. Maybe think of yourself before you got into women’s studies. Or if you ARE/WERE in women’s studies and think it’s kinda messed up, I’d like to hear about that too.) How come as a “theory” we don’t really hear about it unless we get to go to post-secondary type schooling, but in practice lots of us have been feminists of sorts throughout our entire lives. Why does it still look like a white-woman’s thing? Or not entirely sex-positive? What do young men have to say about it? Has there really been any intergenerational information sharing between those who might have “paved the way” and those who are thinking about identifying as feminists now?

With the working title of “Feminist education now: youth, activism, and intersectionality” I’d like to talk about all these issues and everything in between. Don’t like the word feminism? Please be my guest and talk about that – or if it helps to use words like “womanist” or “humanist” instead, or working for women’s rights, women’s empowerment, girls stuff, etc. then go that direction. I’m really interested in talking about the intersectionality of feminist education and breaking down the barriers of what constitutes “education”, where that might be, and according to whom. Education does not have to solely be within a school or school-type setting – if it happened on the street, in your kitchen, if it’s not happening at all, if you want it to happen some particular place – I want to hear about it.

What do I mean by feminism? No I don’t mean that it’s just about women, I mean all identities/definitions/euphemisms/pseudonyms than the English language of the colonizer can do justice to. Expand your mind.

What do I mean by intersectionality? Think of a street intersection and put yourself in the middle. There are lots of things that intersect the way people identify – for example I identify as a woman, as Indigenous, as bisexual, as multiracial and all of those things and way more come into play when I think about the way I want to learn things, i.e. feminist education. For me, I don’t exist as just one thing or another. In this book – I’d like to know about how feminism intersects (or doesn’t intersect) who you are.

Why is the word activism in the title? Because I think a lot of us are activists and even feminists and do education about the things we believe in without necessarily being sign-waving, chanting, picket-lining groups en-masse. I’ve often said some of the best activists I know are the ones who do it at home, wherever “home” might be – since that can sometimes be the hardest place to be passionate and true to the things you are fighting for.

What are we looking for in this book? Written, artistic, and otherwise creative submissions between 700 to 3000 words length if it’s an article. You are also very welcome to submit a photograph, an art piece, a poem, spoken word, etc. as well.

Can only “youth” submit something? Yes and no – preference will be given to young people under the age of 30 to be published in this book, however if you are over the age of 30 and would really like to say something – please submit and we’ll try and find a place for it, especially if you talk about young people in your piece.

Why would I want to write/create something for this book? Some folks like to have their name and stuff published, others just want their voices and ideas out there. You decide!

When do we want submissions by? Submission deadline is Monday, July 5th 2010

What if I don’t really understand what you are asking for or want help putting something together? Please feel free to get in touch with me and let’s chat! E-mail me directly at

All written, artistic, and creative submissions should be e-mailed with a Word doc. attachment and a 3 line author bio to Jessica Yee at no later than Monday July 5th 2010. If you would like to mail yours to a physical address instead, please let me know.

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