Archive for PShiftTV

Sex Stories by Christina Cicchelli

Christina Cicchelli is a sex worker and sex writer who spoke at Paradigm Shift’s event “Sex Work and Human Rights: Feminist Advocacy Strategies.”

Get her e-book Sex Stories here and enjoy some of her tantalizing tales!

“Part-memoir and part-erotica, Sex Stories recounts some of my most memorable sexual encounters with acquaintances and clients. The fantasies in these stories range from sensual to sadistic and everything in between. There are tales of perversity, tales of aggressive lust, and tales of forbidden indulgences.”

2010 CLPP Conference and Student Group

From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, a project of the Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program and the Population and Development Program.

Find out what the CLPP Student Group is doing in preparation for this year’s conference!

Check here for more information.

Short Film: Umbrella

UMBRELLA from cat on Vimeo.

Umbrella is an abstract short film about the experience of trauma. Catherine Tyc, the film’s creator, writes “By choosing to abstract the subject, I was hoping to avoid the traditional liberal vs. conservative debate that happens when people talk about abortion. In deciding to inject this subject matter as a subtext to the Sorrentino story, I was questioning a few things that do not seem to be talked about when abortion is talked about. Primarily, the level of discomfort that some feminist women have towards other women that have abortions and whether or not that comes from the controversial aura that surrounds the subject. I wanted to take on the subject from a purely emotional perspective to bridge that and also invite men as well as women into understanding what this experience can be like for some women.”

Check out more information on the film here!

Sandy Rapp: songwriter, activist, and author

[youtube uHimsaYmJNU]

Sandy Rapp is a songwriter, activist, and author of God’s Country: A Case Against Theocracy: The Haworth Press; 1991. Her best known songs are “Remember Rose: A Song For Choice,” about the first back-street abortion fatality of the 1977 Medicaid-Abortion cutoff (all editions feature a guest vocal by the late Bella Abzug) and “Everyone Was At Stonewall,” a gay history, written for police sensitivity training, which won StoneWall Society’s Pride Song of 2004.

Check out more songs from Sandy Rapp:

More about Sandy Rapp:

“How To Lose Your Virginity”

[vimeo 7190594]

Film Info:

documentary-in-progress by Therese Shechter, director of the
award-winning and provocative I WAS A TEENAGE FEMINIST.

Spiritual, titillating, amusing, profitable, ruled by myths,
dogma and misconceptions, female virginity is something our
culture cares deeply about.

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National Eating Disorders Awareness Week series, Part 1: Captivity

This series of posts from the Paradigm Shift community is in honor of Feb. 21-27, 2010. View call for submissions- deadline 3/5-

by Elisa Kreisinger

Created by mashing corporate media’s oversexualized depiction of women with a trailer for a misogynistic horror movie, “Captivity” illustrates that our society’s standards of beauty hold women captive.

Documentary Preview: “A film dedicated to making pelvic exams respectful and pain-free”

At Your Cervix

The Onion “In the Know: New Law Requires Women To Name Baby, Paint Nursery Before Getting Abortion”

The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes

[youtube qwVmSoUVlBw]

THE LINE trailer

[vimeo 4014736]

*Check out Director, Nancy Schwartzman’s Paradigm Shift blog post about our December event!

posted originally


A one night stand far from home goes terribly wrong. As the filmmaker unravels her experience, she decides to confront her attacker.

Told through a “sex-positive” lens, THE LINE is a 24 minute documentary about a young woman – the filmmaker- who is raped, but her story isn’t cut and dry. Not a “perfect victim,” the filmmaker confronts her attacker, recording the conversation with a hidden camera. Sex workers, survivors and activists discuss justice, accountability and today’s “rape culture.” The film asks the question: where is the line defining consent?  THE LINE was completed in July 2009.

I never intended to make a film about my sexual boundaries, or to involve myself in THE LINE.
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