Archive for PShiftTV

Trailer for “34x25x36”

This documentary clip gives a look inside the business of making mannequins and the ideals that drive the business.

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What is it that prevents a realistic image of women being used by the fashion industry?

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Trailer for “Wet Dreams and False Images”

This clip from Jesse Epstein’s documentary Wet Dreams and False Images shows the work of a professional air brusher and his dilemma with the work that he does. Also shown is the reaction of young men to airbrushed images that they believe to be completely natural.

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How do these false images affect men and women differently?

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Vinnie Angel on ‘The Other Half

Vinnie Angel is interviewed on the talk show The Other Half. He discusses and shows the products he has made for women and their menstrual cycles.

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Why are men typically so squeamish about menstruation at the same time that women’s sexuality is increasingly public? How can products like this really facilitate an honest discussion about female sexuality between men and women?

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Who Does She Think She Is?

The theatrical trailer for Who Does She Thinks She Is? gives a glimpse into the life and struggle of women artists.

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Expanding the discussion, how many famous or impacting women can you think of that both made change in the world and had children? Is this something that is changing, and why would it be changing? If it is changing and more women are able to do something publicly meaningful, what kind of women is it changing for?

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Marti Kheel expands on the value of an ecological model for creating empathy

In this interview with Marti Kheel, Ph.D., she discusses the importance of empathy and the lack of empathy involved in the treatment and consumption of animals.

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Would one have to be vegetarian/vegan in order to be truly egalitarian and feminist? Why is it that some forms of life are valued more than others?

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Ducky DooLittle

This is an excerpt from Webcam Girls and features biographical information about Ducky DooLittle and her career in the sex industry.

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What are your thoughts about the sex industry? Many feminists believe sex work to be empowering and liberating; however, just as many feminists believe it to be degrading and harmful. Did your thoughts about the sex industry change at all after seeing Ducky in this documentary? Does the way that Ducky publicly presents herself affect the way that other women are perceived? In what ways does Ducky accurately represent the sex industry? In what ways are Ducky’s conditions and experiences in the sex industry uniquely her own?

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Ducky DooLittle Explains BenWa Balls

Ducky DooLittle talks about the history and uses of BenWa balls and their benefits for women and orgasm.

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Bigger Better Orgasms

This clip shows Ducky talking about how to strengthen kegel muscles and the importance of strong kegal muscles for female orgasm.

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The Feminazi

This clip from Suzanne Willett performing Feminazi features the portion of the play about Snow White.

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GRITtv Daily Newsmaker, 03/09/09: Linda Martin Alcoff, Jennifer Baumgardner

Jennifer Baumgardner speaks about women’s liberation, choice, and abortion.

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how do class issues impact women and their freedom to choose?

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