Tag Archive for Courtney E. Martin

Feministing Hosts Book Party- CLICK: Moments When We Knew We Were Feminists

Help us celebrate the exciting launch of CLICK: Moments When We Knew We Were Feminists (Seal Press) edited by our very own Courtney E. Martin and good pal, J. Courtney Sullivan.

The anthology features essays from Feministing co-founder Jessica Valenti, as well as editor Miriam Zoila Perez, among so many other awesome feminist voices (Jennifer Baumgardner, Amy Richards, Rebecca Traister, Deborah Siegel, Shelby Knox, Winter Miller, Allisa Quart, Sophie Pollitt-Cohen etc.)

Gloria Steinem says: ” “You know how little kids say, ‘It’s not fair!’ and ‘You are not the boss of me!’? That innate sense of fairness is the earliest source of every revolution — including feminism. As more little girls grow up without being schooled or shamed out of this sense, more women, and many men, too, are having ‘Clicks!’ — those life-changing moments in which we see and stop putting up with the imbalance between women and men. Read this diverse, touching and entertaining anthology of ‘Click!’ stories to find a fairness that is all your own.”

Wed, April 28, 2010
6:00-9:00 pm
No Malice Palace
197 E. 3rd Street b/w Aves A and B, NYC


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