Tag Archive for the purity myth

Call for Submissions- Blog/Video/Graphic Art responses- Sexuality, Virginity & “Purity”

Call for guest blog, video, and graphic art submissions in preparation for Paradigm Shift’s next event:

“The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women”
A Discussion with JESSICA VALENTI, Author & Feministing.com Founder/Editor on TUES, FEB. 23rd, 7pm, NYC  Buy Tickets Now- click here.

Submission Deadline- Extended: 2/21- Sunday

You can answer any one of the following questions- submissions of any length welcome, including poetry and graphic art:

– How do you define virginity? Where do you think this definition came from (i.e. society, parents, friends)?

– Imagine a world without the concept of virginity and “purity”- what would that look like?

– How has the concept of virginity and “purity” effected your sex and love life?

– Did you attend abstinence-only classes? What did you think?

– Were you brought up to think of female sexuality as “dirty”? How did it effect you?

– What are some tangible ways we can change the culture of virginity?

Submit responses to blog@paradigmshiftnyc.com Please include how you would like to be credited (name, anonymous etc).  Video submissions- please submit YouTube private link.  Email subject line: Your Name- Blog post- 2/23 Event.

ParadigmShiftNYC.com content is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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